Chapter XLI

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As Y/N rose to leave, the weight of Tamayo's proposal pressed heavily upon him. He couldn't ignore the desperation in her voice, the pleading look in her eyes. She wasn't trying to manipulate him; her honesty was real. But the idea of becoming a demon, of betraying everything he stood for...

"I... I can't decide right now," he said, he couldn't shake off the images of his brother, his family, and his friends - all those who had shaped him into who he was. Turning into a demon would not only devastate them but also make him a target for those he once fought alongside.

He noticed Tamayo hadn't tried to cloud his judgment with her Blood Demon Art. This was a genuine plea. But even that realization couldn't ease how he was feeling.

Taking Tamayo's hand, he gently but firmly expressed his inability to make such a life-altering decision at the moment. "I need time," he said softly.

Tamayo released his hand, a mix of understanding and disappointment in her eyes. "Thank you for considering my words, and for trusting me," she replied sadly.

Y/N knew she wouldn't force him into anything against his will, but the conversation had shifted something within him.

He couldn't stay. Not now. Standing up, he announced his intention to leave. "I' on my way now."

Tamayo looked alarmed and guilty, clearly regretting that she had put him in such a position.

"You're always welcome here, Y/N," she said, but he was already gathering his things, his mind made up. He needed space, he needed to think, away from the influence of demons, no matter how benevolent they seemed.

Carrying his sleeping puppy, Y/N wandered through the streets. Tamayo's words presented a path he never thought he'd consider. The idea of abandoning his humanity for power was tempting, especially considering the weight of responsibility he carried. Yet, he couldn't shake off the feeling that it would be a betrayal of those who believed in him.

He had always prided himself on his hard-earned skills and strength, achieved not through natural talent but through relentless effort and dedication. To forsake that now for the demonic power seemed like a denial of his very essence.

But the seed of doubt had been planted. In the darkest of times, if his friends and family were ever in grave danger, would he cross that line? He hoped he'd never have to find out.

Y/N's grip on his puppy tightened.

Shaking his head to clear the lingering thoughts, he focused on his immediate need for shelter in a safer place. The Kamado family came to mind. He hadn't visited them in a while, and they were probably worried about him.

Deciding his destination, Y/N headed towards the Kamado residence, looking forward to the comfort of their company and the peace it would bring to his troubled mind.


❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜

Exhausted from the long journey, Y/N approached Tanjuro Kamado, who was already up and about, preparing for his day's work.

"Tanjuro-san!" Y/N called out, a tired smile on his face.

Tanjuro turned, his face lighting up with a soft, welcoming smile that quickly turned to a look of concern as his eyes fell on Y/N's eye patch. Time had passed since they last met.

"Y/N-san, you're back!" Tanjuro exclaimed, stepping closer. "We were so worried about you. How have you been?"

"I've been... well, it's been a lot," Y/N replied, his voice laced with a mix of fatigue and relief. He noticed Tanjuro's gaze lingering on his eye patch but he offered a reassuring smile, not wanting to delve into the painful details.

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