Chapter XLVIII

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Alright fight climax, like the same with Akaza choose the best music you can find for an intense final clash :] (And use one sad for the aftermath too) [:

❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜

As Daki and Gyutaro charged towards him, Y/N gripped his spear tightly., "A human can't beat an Upper Moon. That's just how it is!" Daki shouted.

Y/N mustered a grunt, "... Well...I don't know if you will be able to handle my spear."

The siblings, fueled by rage and confidence, unleashed their blood demon arts. Gyutaro's Rotating Circular Slashes: Flying Blood Sickles created sharp waves of solidified blood, while Daki's Eight-Layered Obi Slash aimed directly at Y/N.

But at that moment, Y/N's mind drifted elsewhere, to a memory. He took a deep breath, centering himself in the chaos.

❛ ━━・❪ ❁ ❫ ・━━ ❜


Tanjuro-san was dressed in his Hinokami Kagura ritual attire—a long-sleeved dark brown dress with golden and crimson red frames, his face obscured by a large blindfold bearing the kanji for "flames". Tanjuro-san's dance was mesmerizing, his movements fluid and precise, wielding a decorated wooden blade similar to a Shichishitō, its design inspired by Yoriichi's Sun Breathing forms.

Y/N was beside Tanjuro-san, attempting to mirror the intricate dance with his own sword in hand. Yet, something felt missing. His concentration weakened, and a sigh escaped his lips. Tanjuro-san, immersed in the ritual that was meant to last until sunrise, did not stop but cast a concerned glance toward Y/N.

"What's wrong, Y/N-san?" Tanjuro asked, his voice steady despite the continuous dance.

"Just... lost balance," Y/N replied, managing a forced smile.

Tanjuro-san hummed thoughtfully, continuing his dance, embodying the ritual's solemnity and grace.

 "I use Hinokami Kagura for... violence. It feels awkward doing these ritualistic dances with you, Tanjuro-san." Y/N confessed unease.

As he spoke, Y/N's mind flashed to the face of Akaza before he delivered the Hinokami Cannon Punch, an attack so brutal it almost crushed the demon's skull.

Tanjuro responded, "Well, we're not using it for violence right now. It's meant to ward off diseases and evil spirits. And I believe it works."

Y/N snorted mentally clearly skeptical. Tanjuro-san, no matter his illness, held onto his beliefs. The dance did seem to bless the man with a form of vitality if not actual fertility...

 "When using Hinokami Kagura, I think of nothing but love. Of my family, the warmth of every sunrise." Tanjuro continued.

Y/N tilted his head, intrigued. This perspective was a bit different from what Yoriichi-san had taught him about Sun Breathing.

"How so?" Y/N asked, genuinely curious.

 "It's a celebration of life. You must think of the moments that make you grateful to be alive. Think of the privileges you have—to think, to feel... to love." Tanjuro explained.

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