Chapter LXXIX

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Years ago...

Kanae heavily pregnant sat at the table while Shinobu prepared a breakfast for her.

As Aoi and Kanao cleared away five empty bowls, only to refill Kanae's tea for the fourth time, Shinobu presented the next course. "And now, here we have Chawanmushi," she announced, setting down the delicately steamed egg custard infused with shiitake mushrooms, shrimp, and a hint of yuzu for a refreshing contrast. "Enjoy, Nee-san, niece or nephew...or both," Shinobu added, her gaze tenderly drifting to Kanae's belly.

Kanae felt somewhat overwhelmed by the feast before her and the emotional weight of her situation a few days after discovering her pregnancy, the love of her life had left for his exile. "Thank you, Shinobu, but...don't you think this is too much food?" she said, half-joking, half-serious, feeling more like a stuffed cushion than a soon-to-be mother.

Shinobu scolded Kanae for her apparent negligence. "Too much? Absolutely not! You're eating for two now, possibly three, and you need all the nutrition you can get. Think of the baby, Nee-san. Or babies. We can't have our new family member or members growing hungry," she declared.

Aoi carried another tray of dishes, "Kanae-sama, please let us take care of you. It's our duty and our joy." Her voice was soft and firm, sharing Shinobu's sentiment of ensuring Kanae and her unborn child's well-being.

Kanao approached Kanae with a smile. "Nee-san, please try the Chawanmushi. Shinobu nee-san put a lot of effort into making it just right for you," she encouraged.

Kanae laughed as she acknowledged the care and affection of the trio around her. "You three are too sweet... very well, for you!" she agreed, lifting her chopsticks to partake in the Chawanmushi, though her appetite was being forced at this point. She offered Shinobu an exaggerated "mmm," signaling her feigned delight, much to her sister's satisfaction.

Shinobu smugly crossed her arms and declared, "Told you, my nephew or niece will grow up loving my food more than their mother's."

Kanae feigned shock at Shinobu's claim. "That is cruel, Shinobu! I don't remember raising you like that."

The exchange drew amused reactions from Aoi and Kanao, the former snorting in amusement and the latter giggling. Shinobu reminded Kanae of the day's schedule. "I'd hate to pressure you, Nee-san, but eat up. Kakushi will arrive any moment."

The mention of the Kakushi's arrival nudged Kanae back into reality, her mind struggling with the implications of her pregnancy. Even now in the Taisho era, single motherhood was not merely frowned upon; it was a source of scandal and shame, even for someone of Kanae's reputation. Her absence from the public eye over the past nine months was a necessary precaution, a measure to shield her and her unborn child from judgmental eyes and wagging tongues.

Shinobu had crafted a meticulous excuse for Kanae's absence, telling the Demon Slayer Corps that Kanae was on a prolonged, secretive mission that required her utmost focus and discretion. This explanation, while vague, leveraged Kanae's reputation as a Hashira to ease most suspicions, though Shinobu's occasional flashes of anger hinted that some rumors had indeed surfaced, which she had swiftly quashed.

Pulled from her contemplations by the arrival of dessert, Kanae's expression shifted to one of mild exasperation. "Eh? But...but I'm full!" she protested, her pout deepening at the sight of yet another course.

The sense of urgency intensified as Aoi reentered the room, "Kanae-sama...the Kakushi are entering the estate," she announced, her words prompting immediate action.

Without hesitation, Shinobu and Kanao went to Kanae's sides, each taking an arm to assist her. In a surprisingly playful yet firm manner, Shinobu gave Kanae a quick slap on the butt, causing a surprised yelp from her sister. "Move on, Nee-san!" Shinobu urged, pushing another bowl of food toward Kanae.

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