CHAPTER 9•||Ofcourse,why would he?||•

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I know I know, I'm really sorry for posting this late but I was busy with my exams. To make up, I wrote lengthy chapter. Also, please please please do vote and comment.
I didn't slept the whole night, I couldn't. In the past years, there hasn't been a day when I didn't imagine meeting him, but none of them was like what happened yesterday.

I would be lying if being in the same space with him again didn't make my heart beat. It did and in all these years it was the first time I truly felt alive. Yes, jihoon is there with me and he's the one who makes me want to go forward but with taehyung, the heart that has forgotten to live, has started breathing again. Just one look from him, and everything started feeling right again.

I Wish I could just go to to hug him, cry my heart out, ask him why doesn't work that way. I can't just forget everything, it's not easy. Aera was right, I do owe him explanation but not now. It's not the right time, right now all I need to do is focus on my baby and my studies. I can't get distracted. I don't even know how to face him, how will I tell him everything?

Also, it's not like he was waiting for me or my explanation? Whatever he said yesterday was because he was drunk. None of it was true, it can't be. I know he must have someone in his life already. Why would he even wait for me without knowing where and how I am? right? He wouldn't even talk or see me today, I know. Yesterday, he might have got carried away because he didn't saw me in all these years. yes, this is it. He must have a his own famil-

Why just the thought of him having his own family killing me? stop being so hypocrite yn. You don't have any right over him. It's best for you and everyone if I just focus on myself and my son.

yes, I just have to do something so I won't run into him. But how can I d-

Wait, I can change my class. Yes, that will be good. That way I won't run into tae and I'll be able to fulfill my dream of studying in this college.

I got up from bed, got ready and then went to wake jihoon for school. I wonder how will he feel about going to school today.

"Jihoon-ah, baby wake up."

Jihoon turned towards me in his sleep and hugged me while shaking his head.

"You have to get ready for school right? So get up now"

He slightly opened his eyes and looked at me with a look I know I'll find. The look of not wanting to go to school.

"Do you feel like telling me what happened yesterday?"

Jihoon went silent and I sat up while bringing him on my lap, tucking his head on my chest while caressing his hair.

"I'm here jihoon-ah, it's okay tell eomma what happened?"

Jihoon- Eomma, you know I don't like playing games and neither talking to people. so yesterday in games period I was sitting away while everyone was playing. I didn't realize the ball they were playing with came near where I was sitting. But then they..they came and started saying bad things like why I'm behaving so arrogantly and rudely, it was just a ball, I could have passed that instead of ignoring. I told them I didn't noticed but they kept on saying bad things again and again and then one of them picked the book I was reading and throw it on the ground. When I immediately got up to pick it up,they pushed me on the ground and started laughing. They...they..said "look at this weaky deaky boy".I tried to get up but my head was hurting and bleeding so I couldn't and they started making fun saying "look how weak he is, he can't even get up" Eomma, am I really weak?

"No jihoon, you are not"

Jihoon- I'm..I..I can't even protect myself eomma, how will I protect you?

"Baby, you ar-"

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