CHAPTER 21•||Is he mine?||•

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Thankyou for 3k+ Reads. To thank you all,I posted the part even though you guys didn't completed the Target. So Can I expect 30+ votes in this chapter? please!! This is the only thing I'm requesting from you all...

Taehyung increased the speed of the car , making yn go through same thing she went through in past.

Yn: please stop the car....please..please.
(and she finally voiced it but taehyung wasn't listening)

Tae: This car isn't stopping until I want it to..

He took a turn in a secluded area and increased the speed again.

Yn:No please stop!! pl..please!!

That made taehyung came out of his anger zone. He immediately looked towards yn and he immediately stop the car on seeing the condition of yn, sweating with fear, her body shivering while tears running down her cheeks.

Tae: FUCK...

Yn: stop!! stop, it's
(she kept on saying this)

He removed his seat belt and immediately get out of the car. He opened the door of back seat and sat beside yn...He cupped her cheeks trying to make her look at him but she was lost somewhere.

He took out the water bottle and after wetting his handkerchief, he starting wiping her sweat while he kept saying-

Tae: Cupcake, baby look at me. It's me, taetae, your taetae. Look at me baby, please. You are scaring me.. Cupcake, look your tae is here baby. Come back to me, to your tae. Come back cupcake.

Taehyung made her lay on his lap , while caressing her hairs he kissed on her forehead and then hugged her to his chest.

Tae: Come back to your tae, cupcake. please!! Please baby...

Yn cough, and taehyung immediately loosen his hold and looked at his yn whose eyes were full of tears.

Tae: Cupcake what happened? are you okay baby? where did yo-

Yn: Tae, our..our's hur..hurting..wh..(and she hugged him) Taetae, did..we...did we...

She kept crying while taehyung replayed what she just said.

Tae(thinking):"Tae, our baby" is what she said. I am sure she said this..but Ou..our baby? Yn and mine?

Taehyung pulled away from her and hold her shoulders..

Tae: wh..what do you mean..mean by our..our baby?

(Yn blinked once, twice as if trying to see clearly.)

Tae: Say something..Tell me what did you meant by our baby??

yn: No-Nothing..

she pushed tae away and immediately got out of the car. Taehyung immediately followed her and came out as well.

Tae: what were you saying inside??

yn: Nothing..

Tae: That didn't seem like Nothing..Tell me yn!! what do you mean by th..that? our..our ba-

Yn: I said it was Nothing.. I was just..just..

Tae: just what yn? what the hell are you hiding? why did you said our baby?

He pinned yn to the car and looked at her..

Tae: Look at me!! I said look at me!!

Yn(she looked at him): what??

Tae(his eyes soften) : mine?

Yn: Are you cra-

Tae: yes or no?

Yn(looked away) : No

Tae: Answer while looking at me!!

Yn(she looked at him, meeting his eyes) : No, noooo, he isn't yours. He is mine, only mine..Now happy? Got your answers? Let me go now..

But as soon as yn tried to walk away, he held her wrist and pulled her to him, holding her cave against the car.

Tae: But he's same age as Aecha!!

Yn: No, he's olde- I mean yes he is. so what?

Tae: If...if he isn't mine then..then-

Yn: then what tae? complete it...say it..

Tae looked away and didn't said anything..

Yn: What happened now?Tell me!! You can't say it? I'll do it for youu...Yes, I got pregnant as soon as I marry him. Because he wanted children just like me. So Yes, I got pregnant immediately. He wasn't like you, he wanted babi-

Tae:Stop it yn!!

Yn: why? did it hurt your ego? You wanted answers didn't you? Then why are you stopping me now?

Tae: If it's true then why did you said our baby?

(yn got silent at that while her eyes became watery)

Tae: what happened now? God dammit yn what the hell are you hiding? please tell me, pl..please cupcake..Please!!

Tears rolled down yn cheeks but she didn't dared to meet his eyes.Taehyung cupped her face , making her look at him but she still didn't meet his eyes.

Tae: Cupcake, baby please..Please tell me..

Yn: There's no use tae, it was in pa..past..It doesn't matter anymore.

Tae: It does, everything matters when it comes to you. Because YOU MATTER.

yn: Tae!! don't..don't pl..

Tae: Then tell me the truth baby....please.

Yn: Why do you want to know tae? whyyy?

Tae: Because whatever the hell happened with you has traumatize you so much that you are afraid to even sit in the car. you would rather walk alone at night but wouldn't take the cab...

yn: wh-

Tae:Because I want to know what happened to you cupcake, I want to know how many times I wasn't there when you needed me.

Yn: But I don't want to relive it tae, I don't want to remember it. I don't want to..

Tae: Then don't tell me..Don't tell me but don't push me away cupcake. (He rested his forehead on hers) I'll find it myself, but please don't leave again. Eve..even if you can't be mine, don't leave me again. You don't know how I lived these years without you. I won't be able to bear seeing you leaving again.

Yn: Tae, don-

Tae: Don't say anything...I promise you cupcake, I'll find whatever the fuck happened to you and I'll make sure whoever is involve will pay for it....

Yn(she looked at him) : Even if it's you?

Tae(Without hesitating) : Even if it's me..I would happily destroy myself for you cupcake.

Yn(thinking): Then I hope you never find out the truth tae, because I would rather suffer myself alone remembering than seeing you finding out and blaming yourself.

yn: You didn't even ask why did I said that..

Tae: I don't need to. Do you know why baby?

Yn's eyes filled with tears, she knows why but she denied. Tae close distance between them and cupped her cheeks before saying-

Tae: Because I won't let anyone come in way of your happiness.And Even if it's me cupcake, I'll happily remove myself from your way before I let myself destroy your happiness.

They stare at each other in silence, their hearts beating at abnormal rate. His eyes dropped to her lips, her drawns to his. Time stopped,Oxygen ceased to exit when he bend forward -

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