# 3

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The Last Big Fight ( Part. 1 )


"GODS! YOU'RE SO STUPID, NICO! DON'T YOU KNOW THE DIFFERENCE?" You shout at your boyfriend, Nico. He thought you cheated on him but honestly? You did not. It all started with your friend, Harold. Who quickly wrapped his arms around you and he said he wanted to kiss you so bad but you said no. And he had the wrong timing, Nico just came when he saw his girl wrapped around in someone's arms.

He just... doesn't believe you.

"DIFFERENCE?! Y/N, he was so close to you! I know you and Harold are just more than friends!"

"And how are you so sure about that?" You ask him softly, you tried to hold back the tears but you couldn't. You still wanted to look confident as ever. That's what Nico liked about you, a confident demigod.

But you were shattered into pieces right now. You know that you couldn't be fixed again. You were impossible to fix. Only the right person can fix you but it seems like he won't fix you.

"Because the way he looked at you? Is the way how I look to you. He's in love with you, Y/N! And you're letting him in our zone!" He points to you. And he had a point. You were so clueless about Harold liking you but now, you've learned from your mistake.

"You know what?" You confidently say and wiped the tears away. "We're done."


"We're done, Nico! We have fought about Harold so many times and I just wanna put an END to it! So tired of being shouted at! YOU DON'T TRUST ME ANYMORE! IF YOU REALLY LOVE ME, YOU TRUST ME WITH EVERYTHING BUT YOU DON'T! Get the hell out of my cabin." The most painful words you said to Nico were not affecting him. He didn't move, or leave the cabin. He just stood there with his hands on his pocket, wearing the same angry expression.

"Pretty pathetic of you wanting to end our relationship." He says bitterly and looks away. "I don't care, Nico."

"I'm so tired of you, believing at it. And lastly? I'm tired of us arguing. It isn't good for our relationship." You point out, your eyes were really red, after every fight you've had with Nico... and you know,

This will be, The last big fight.

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