# 12

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A/N: (M/P/L: Mortal Parent Last Name)

He meets your Parents


"I'm so nervous." Your boyfriend confessed, "It's okay to be nervous. Next week, I'll be meeting your dad. Ten times scarier." You let out a laugh.

The door suddenly opened. It surprised you that your Dad. Poseidon, was here. Your Mom was wearing a Blue cocktail dress that was above her knees, her wavy hair was down and she only wore a bit make-up, Your dad. Poseidon, was wearing a Blue and White Tuxedo. His arm around your Mother's waist.

"Good evening Ms. M/P/L and Poseidon." Nico greeted, "Hey Mom, Hi Dad." You greet them with a hug and a smile. "Hello Nico," your Dad smiled.

Nico nodded, "Y/N always talks about you." your Mom grinned, you gave your Boyfriend a silly smile. Your Mom was checking what you wore and what Nico wore.

Nico wore a Black and White tuxedo because you forced him to, His hair didn't look that messy anymore and he smelled good. You wore a White Lace Dress, knee length. Your hair was curled up and you decided to wear a 2-inch heel.

You and Nico went inside, hand-in-hand. All of you sat down on the chair in the dining room and began to eat.

"So, Nico. When will you propose to Y/N?" your Mom asked. Your eyes went wide, "Mother!" you shrieked.

"Well, Nico confessed to me that he wanted to Marry you. He asked for my blessing, Haha!" your Dad laughed, Nico's face was as red as a tomato. You faced Nico, Is it true? You mouthed. He ignored your question.

"I'm not ready yet. I don't want him to propose yet." you bitterly say. Silence filled the room, Nico cleared his throat. "I'm sorry, Y/N." he apologized. You nodded but after this dinner, you guys will talk about it.

You continued to eat, "Percy told me, you're getting better and better at controlling your powers, Y/N." your Dad mentioned, he changed the topic. Just to break the silence. "Yup. I can finally talk to horses too," Your Mom laughed. She was mortal so she never got used to stuff like this.

* minutes later

"Thank you so much Ms. M/P/L and Poseidon. The food was great and I enjoyed meeting you both." Nico says and hugs your Mom and Dad. "No problem, Nico." your Mom smiled at him. "You're not too bad, for a Son of Hades." Poseidon laughed wickedly.

"We gotta get going, Bye Mom and Dad. Thanks for the dinner." you say and gave them a good-bye hug.

You and Nico were walking towards his car, "Your parents are nice." He comments. "You acted so different," you say. He rolled his eyes, "Yeah, well, I just wanted to impress your parents and you." he sighed. "I still love the Normal you. Not so fancy and Not so dirty." you gave him a quick peck on the lips.

His cheeks turned red, "Oh and we still need to talk about that engagement shit."

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