# 25

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Both of you are drunk


( Leo's P.O.V. )

Good thing I wasn't drunk yet, if I was. I would've probably burned down the whole place and got all the hot girls.

This time, I'm going to be more responsible for my actions because the last party I went to.... didn't go well.

Piper invited me to this wild party... I think it's her half sister's birthday party. Well, I'm not sure because demigods are partying hard and the birthday celebrant is making out with an Apollo kid. It's more like clubbing.

Mostly, they're all making out on the couch. I shrugged uncomfortably. In the corner of my eye, I saw Jason grabbing a drink. I ran to stop him, "Man, don't. You're going to be really crazy."

He smiles and puts the red cup down. "I'm surprised you aren't drunk yet."

I chuckled. He suddenly pats my back, "Remember you owe me one?"

I nervously nod. He sighs heavily, "I'd appreciate it if you go get Nico." Jason says and pursed his lips. I raised an eyebrow, "Do you want that kid to kill me?"

He chuckles, "He's drunk, man. He won't summon the dead."

I thought for a few seconds, "Fine."

"Thanks, man. We're even"

"Yeah, I just hope that I don't die tonight."

He laughed then walks away, leaving me frightened. That kid is a monster, I once hugged him, he pulled out his sword and the ground was rumbling. I swore that night that I am never ever going to touch that kid.

But now, it seems like he needs help. He was dancing, crazily, on top of the table. Is that an underwear he's holding?

I make my way to di Angelo. "Hey, Nico!"

He looks down at me and smiles like an idiot. "Oh! Hey thereee, cutie." He giggles.

I give him a disgusted look. "Nico, get down from there!" I say sternly.

He cheekily grins, "Since when did youuu care for me?" He says and hops off the table.

Y/N passes by. She was cursing and drinking. Nico noticed Y/N, he smirked. "She is hooot!"

"She really is." I say as my eyes scanned her body. I shake my thoughts.

Good thing Y/N didn't notice that, she would've killed Nico and I or strangle both of us but it seems like she didn't notice that because she's drunk and she doesn't care.

I used to like Y/N but I stopped because she only looked to me as a brother.

Y/N ran to the DJ and whispered something into his ears. The DJ shook his head in a no at first but Y/N kisses him on the cheek and winked. The DJ smiles and the music changed and got louder.

Nico gets on top of the table again. He grinned and starts dancing, "MY FAAAV SONG!" He giggles.

"Oh, Gods. This is going to be a long night."


"Let it all out, Nico."

I pat his back and rub it. He vomits more. "Yuck." I cringe. After vomiting, he wipes his mouth with his arm. "Y-you know... Y/N?"

I slowly nod. Oh no, he might tell me something about her. I'm about to know a secret! That's great!

"I really like heeer... but s-she never notices meee.." He says sadly. I pat his back, "I feel you, man." I nod.

"Get off meee! You ugly stranger!" I hear Y/N's voice. I turn around, she was arguing with a guy who kept touching her.

I make my way to her and the stranger. I grabbed the stranger by the collar of his shirt, "This girl's brother is Percy Jackson, man. I wouldn't touch her if I were you."

The stranger gulps and ran away. "Oh! Hey thereee, Lili." Y/N giggles, she tried to get on her feet but I quickly wrap an arm around her waist, making sure she won't fall.

Great. Now I have two responsibilities. "Lili? Where did you get that from, Y/N?"

She just laughs then passes out on my arms. I roll my eyes and just hold her with one arm. I make my way to Nico, who was passed out too but on the floor. I wrap my other arm around his waist and hold them both tightly.


I drop Y/N on the couch and Nico on the edge of the couch. "Where am I?" Y/N groans and looked around.

"In Nico's cabin, Y/N."

"Whyyy am I hereee?" She pouts. "Because Nico's cabin is closer, Y/N."

I glance at Nico. "I'm sure Nico doesn't mind, do you, Nico?"

Nico smirks cheekily, "Not at all."

I nod. "Good.... Make sure not to do something stupid."

Y/N suddenly drops herself on Nico., "You're cute." She compliments.

Nico grabs her waist, "And you're hot."

I quickly pull Y/N and Nico apart. "Guys, don't. Both of you are drunk."

Nico snorts. "So what?"

I roll my eyes. I pull Y/N and bring her on the other edge of the couch. "Don't go to Nico, okay?"

She pouts her lips like a baby, "But I like Nico.... he's cute."

My cheeks turn red. I glanced at Nico, he was just snoring. "Well, he likes you too, Y/N."

Her eyes lit up. "He DOES!?"

I nod with a smile, "Yeah... don't tell him I told you that. Okay?"

She sighs dreamily, "Okay." I ran to get some bucket because the two will probably vomit all night. I grab a blue bucket under the sink and went back to Y/N and Nico.

My eyes went wide as I saw Y/N on top of Nico. They were kissing! What on Hades did I just miss?! I quickly pull them apart, "Woah! You guys are really drunk!"

Y/N glares at me. "Valdez," She snarled.

I put my hands up in defence. "Yeah, you're just jealous you don't have someone to kiss." Nico teased.

I rolled my eyes. "Whatever, just use protection."

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