# 5

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"I don't feel the same, I'm sorry."


You were with your brother, Percy. Lying on the sand for no reason. Something random you both do, "What if someone likes you, Y/N?" Percy asks you. You shook your hand and sat up straightly.

"Well, it depends on that person." You say then cleared your throat.

Percy just nodded. He seemed a bit disappointed, it was obvious from the look on his face. "Why would ask such a ridiculous question?" You ask him with a soft chuckle.

"It's not Ridiculous, Y/N." He says, with a serious look on his face and tone. "Nico likes you and I know that you don't like him." He blurts out.

You blinked a few times, not knowing what to answer. "I don't feel the same, I'm sorry." You apologized to him, he just nods. He can't do anything about it. He can't control you, no one can.

Unless you were possessed.

You felt pretty bad. Nico di Angelo was never your type but what you like most about him was his fighting skills. And you were dissapointed to yourself too because, you were scared of a son of Hades. Nico is like Percy's little brother, Nico was always there for your brother and they had each other's back. And no one cannot force you to fall in love with someone you can't fall for.

* next morning

"Hey, Y/N!" you heard Grover's voice, you turn around. "Oh hey, Grover! What's up?" You chirp with your hand on your hip.

"Nico wants to talk to you." He says in a serious tone, you nodded and ran off. You made it to his cabin and make knock on his door, the door suddenly opens. "Hey Y/N." He greets you with a smile, the smile he only shows you. "You needed me?" You ask in a rude tone. His smile faded, "Come in."

You walked in and sat on his bunk. "Y/N. I love you."

"Nico, I love you. As a friend, I could not force myself loving someone I can't love. My heart and my mind says no. I'm sorry, Nico." A tear rolls down his cheek but wipes it away immediately. He still looked confident as ever, you wish you could comfort him but he might push you away.

"I understand." He quietly says and nods. You had the guts to comfort him and you did. You went to him and hugged him tightly, apparently.

"I don't feel the same, I'm sorry."

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