# 23

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Dance ( Part. 1 )


"Y/N, look," Piper points to a guy who has brown, long, curly hair. You shifted uncomfortably, "He's cute. You guys would look cute together."

You turned around to not face them. Annabeth pulls you, "C'mon, Y/N. The dance is in a few days and still, you wouldn't pick a guy."

You groaned, "I'd rather stay in my cabin."

Annabeth and Piper frowns, "Why don't you want to go to the dance?"

"Because guys are pathetic." You were so bitter, because you had a bad experience with guys, so half of your life, you think guys are pathetic and stupid.

"Well, maybe you should give it a try." Piper points out.


"You aren't going to the dance?!" Percy gasps. You roll your eyes, "I just told you."

"Why not?! There are a lot of guys out there!"

"Pathetic guys."

Percy sighs, "You sure?"

"A hundred percent sure."


You stayed at your best friend's cabin, Nico di Angelo. Turns out, he isn't going to the dance too. You rest your head on his shoulders and sigh.

He isn't pathetic, actually. He isn't like the others and you like that. "Y/N?"


"If you were going to the dance, who would you bring?"

Your face flushed. "Y-you."

He smiled and rests his head on top of yours. "I would bring you too."

Your heart does a flip. Stop Y/N! You can't fall again! Your thought says. You slowly push him away, "I gotta go... Percy is probably looking for me."


"PERCY! KELP MEEE!" You shouted once you enter your cabin. He laughs, "Nice one, Y/N. Anyway, what's wrong?"

"Should I go to the dance?"

"If you're going alone, don't."

"Of course not! Do you think I'm stupid?!"

"Well, yeah... Because you're my sister."

You groaned loudly. "You're annoying!!!"

"Thank you, I get that a lot."

Nico di Angelo ImaginesDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora