# 30

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A/N: Wow!! I actually reached 9.72K??!! I couldn't believe it! I thought this book wouldn't make it so far... thank you all so much!! Y'all inspire me to make more... even though I've been depressed lately :) Since we reached 9K... this'll probably be one of the best and cutest chapters ;) ENJOY!

You tell your kids your love story


You watch as your husband, Nico, puts your two kids to bed. While they were in their father's arms, they couldn't stop smiling and giggling. As he puts them both to their own bed, they stop giggling. "Daddy, could you tell us a bedtime story?"

Your husband looks at you, pleadingly.... not knowing what story to tell your kids. You gesture a nod, meaning just go. He faces his daughter with a nervous smile, "Uh-um... what kind of bedtime story, Nicole?"

"Any!" Nicole giggles. You look at your son, "How 'bout you, Nick?"

"I am okay with any, mommy." Nick says softly with a smile. "Well," You make your way to Nico and take a seat beside him. "Does a love story sound good?"

Your kids grin, "Yes!" They beam. You place your hand on Nico's and give him a small smile... You've always wanted to tell your kids a love story... a real love story... your love story.

"Once upon a time, there was a teenage girl named Y/N... She had H/C & E/C. There was this big tournament in their place.. called Camp Half-Blood," You smile, remembering the memories. "She was against someone... someone who she'd never expect to fall for," You gaze at Nico and give him a small squeeze. "When she first saw him, she didn't want to battle him anymore because she was so startrucked," Your kids giggle. "When they met... Y/N couldn't find her words... She loved how angelic his voice and face is,"

"His name was Nico... Nico di Angelo. Dark brown eyes and black messy hair and an angelic face. During the battle, the two were so distracted because they were attracted to each other. The fought like newbies,"

"But guess who lost?" You smirk.

"Y/N?" Your kids question. "Sadly, the boy did." Nico says with a pout. Your kids giggle. "After the tournament, Y/N did not expect to see him again. They met again at sword practice, this time. Y/N was distracted, yet again... He finally decided to become friends with her... after with all the battling, practicing and staring, he wanted to know her more,"

"As years passed, Y/N wanted to be more than just this. So, she thought of a way that he could ask her out... There was a party... well, a ball... Of course, he brought her. As they danced together, slowly and gracefully... the moment was just so perfect... no one could ruin it. While dancing, he finally said the words she wanted to hear,"

"He told her that he loved her so much and he expressed what he felt. He told her she has changed him in so many ways and he wouldn't want her to leave him. So he asked her the question she's been wanting to hear... he asked her to be his,"

"She knew it was him. She knew she'd say another yes when the time comes... and she's really happy that she got the boy of her dreams,"

"And look where they are now." You suddenly say. You and Nico were gazing at each other... You knew what would happen next and you will let it slip. Nico cups your face in his hands, gently, and plants a passionate, soft kiss on your lips.

It obviously didn't last longer because, "MOMMY! DADDY!" Your kids scream and start laughing hysterically. You and Nico laugh and start tickling them. "M-Mommy! Hahaha! St-top!" Your daughter giggles. You both finally stop and finally give them their good night kisses.

After kissing your daughter good night, you walk over to your son and kiss him good night too. He suddenly throws his arms around you, making you surprised. "I-I love you mommy."

You close your eyes to stop the tears from falling and hug him tighter. "I love you too, Nick."

You smile at him and leave a kiss on his forehead. You make your way out of the room and switched the lights off. "Good night, loves."

You slowly closed the door and head to your bedroom. Nico was in front of the window, looking out. You giggle and quietly make your way towards him. You slowly slip your arms around his waist and rest your head on his back.

Both of you stay silent for a few seconds until,


"Yes, love?"

"I love you."

You hear his heart beat faster, "I love you too."

A/N: Thank you guys!!!

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