# 28

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Father and daughter moment


"Honey, stop crying, please." You plead as you wipe your daughter's tears away. She still doesn't stop, "H-He's gone!" She cries out.

"Oh Nicole... he'll always be in our hearts." Piper comforts her. You nodded and try to put up a smile.

Piper's son had just died, which was your daughter's boyfriend. Let's just say... she isn't handling it very well. It hurts so much for your daughter losing another person she loves. Two months ago, she lost her best friend. Who died in a battle... and now, her boyfriend. Who just died in a car accident.

You rub your daughter's back and hand her a tissue to wipe away the tears. "Oh Jackson." She softly says his name then plops her head on Piper's shoulder.

In the corner of your eye, your husband, Nico di Angelo, is making his way to where you guys were. You noticed that his eyes were red too.. which shocked you. He never really showed Jackson that he cared so much because he wasn't a good boy... he was the opposite of that but your husband still trusted him. He just... didn't show it.

You watch as Nico motions your daughter for a hug. She gets up from her seat and cries in her father's arms. He places a kiss on her forehead, "I'm sorry, Nicole," He lets out a long sigh, "You just have to accept that they're gone physically."

"But dad-"

She stops herself then starts to cry again. Nico cups her face with his hands then wipes her tears away with his thumbs. She looks up at him with sadness and tears in her eyes, "What if I forget him?"

"You won't.. I promise... Did I forget about your aunt Bianca?"

You pursed your lips to stop yourself from crying too. It broke your heart to hear her name... Nico's sister who had died a long time ago. He had told you about his past when you guys were dating. When he told you everything... you were the one who had to adjust because the pain you felt in your past was nothing compared to his.

You just have to understand that person's past and understand what they've been through.

Nicole began to sob again quietly against her father's chest. As Nico wraps his arms around his daughter, he began humming a song to her.

A gasp escapes her lips once she realised what song he was humming.

It was the song Jackson always sang to her when she was feeling sad or depressed. "H-How...?"

A smile forms Nico's lips, "Jackson and I.... had a talk before.... before all of this happened."

"He said,"

"Whatever happens to him. I have to make sure to sing you this song... to remind you that he'll always be there... in your heart."

Nico looks away, trying to blink the tears away too. "That was the only talk we had. I-I wish that I showed him that I cared... I'm sorry I never did that."

She smiles with tears then wraps her arms, tightly... around him again. "I love you so much, dad."

"I love you too, sweetie."

A/N: ugh... the feels.

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