Chapter 15

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It's been about an hour and a half since Jason left and I've just been sitting here watching Grey's Anatomy. Although I kept it low so I can here if someone comes. Which was the right thing to do since I heard my front door open. I turned the tv down to hear. I heard my parents and Dylan's voice. I grabbed my phone to text Jason. But Then my phone started ringing. It was Jason.

"Hello?" I answered.

"I pulled up near your house and saw your family get home. Do you want me in still?" He asked me.

"Yeah, but this might be risky" I told him.

"I have an idea" he said and I could just hear the excitement in his voice. "Sleep at my crib" he offered and I was completely shocked. "Just tell your parents you're sleeping at your friends"

"Are you sure?" I asked him. I heard him laugh.

"What ever you want angel" he told me.

"Where would I be sleeping?" I asked him and he laughed again.

"Where else?" He asked sarcastically. I knew where. His bed. Not like I was going to complain but was it a good idea? "Just get out here"

"Give me ten minutes" I told him then hung up. I got out of bed and walked out of my room. I saw my mom walking up the stairs. She smiled as she saw me.

"What are you doing up?" She asked me.

"Well Alissa isn't going to school tomorrow either so can I sleep there please? She'll pick me up" I told my mom. She sighed then nodded. I smiled and hugged her then went back into my room. I grabbed an empty backpack from my clothes and shoved in my toothbrush and some other things in it. I grabbed my phone and slipped on some shoes. I walked out of my room and saw my brother walking out of his room.

"Where are you going sis?" He asked me.

"Alissa's" I answered. He nodded and walked past me to go down stairs. I walked into my parents room said goodbye, then walked down stairs. I said bye to Dylan then ran out of the door. I didn't see Jason's car anyway. I walked to the end of the road and saw his car parked down the street. I was about to start walking there but his car started again and he drove over to me. I hoped in and he looked concerned. "What's wrong?" I asked him as he started driving away.

"You know how I just had a meeting? Well there's people at my house still and I don't want them to see you" he told me.

"Should I be offended?" I asked confused and laughed a little.

"No. You should be glad I'm hiding you from them. They are dangerous" he said to me.

"Like you?" I said as I looked over at him. He rolled his eyes.

"They're very dangerous, but no one is worse than me. Don't mess with me. Or them really. If they want something they won't stop till they get it. And if they want you, then they'll have you and there is no way I'm letting that happen" he told me. He won't let that happen?

"I don't want them to want me. You know unless they are hot" I joked. His knuckles tight more red as his grip tightened on the wheel. I didn't know that would make him mad "I was a joke" I told him. He didn't say a thing. I sighed.

"They are insane. Do not say a word to anyone. Don't talk till we get upstairs to my room" he said and I nodded. This will be interesting.

"Should I be scared?" I asked honestly.

"No don't be Angel. If I'm with you, you should be" he told me. I wasn't sure what to say back to that so I stayed quiet.

"I noticed you've been calling me angel" I pointed out.

"Do you not like it?" He asked.

"No I like it. I was just saying" I said. It was quiet but it wasn't awkward. Five minutes later, we got to his house. We got out and we stopped walking as we got to the front door. "Remember what I said about not talking to anyone" he told me. I nodded. "Don't let go of my hand unless I say to. Got it?" He made sure.

"Got it" I confirmed. He grabbed my hand and we walked into the house. We heard voices coming from the kitchen. We started running up the steps still holding hands till voices coming in stopped us.

"Aye McCann!" We hear behind us. We stopped and look down. There was Johnson, Cameron, Travis, and three other guys. They were all staring at us which made me uncomfortable.

"You brought home another slut!" One of the drunk guys screamed to Jason laughing. Jason's grip on my hand got tighter. I looked up at Jason who looked

"Dude stop" Cameron warned this guy.

"Why? It's true. She's hot I might be need to steal her tonight" this guy said again. Jason let go of my hand and moved down to the step I was standing on.

"Excuse me?" Jason asked as he slowly started to make his way down the stairs. Oh no.

"Actually I'll steal her now really quickly before you. I'll-" he got cut of by Jason slamming this guy into the wall.

"If you don't shut the fuck up about her, I'll make you. She's not a slut" I heard Jason say to him. Wow. He's sticking up for me. Johnson pulled Jason off of this guy.

"Softy for this girl. How cute" this guy said and all the sudden, Jason punched the guy and things started to get crazy. There was yelling and I had no idea what to do till Jason turned to me quickly.

"Go to my room and lock the door" he yelled to me so I nodded and ran up the stairs. I went into Jason's room and locked the door. All this because someone called me a slut? He didn't have to do that. Then I heard someone running up the steps. Please just be Jason. I heard a knock and I didn't say anything. "It's me Mackenzie" I heard Jason's voice. I unlocked the door and he came it and shut the door behind him.

"Jason you didn't have to do that" I said to him and he grabbed my hand.

"He was being an ass. I always hated him anyway" he told me.

"You'll protect me from them right?" I asked him as I held his hand tighter.

"Always" he answered. This was the side of Jason that I was attracted too. The sweet and protective one. Not the asshole criminal one. No one saw this nice side of him. So they would never understand. I already felt closer to Jason because of tonight. "Let's just lay down" he told me. I nodded. "do you care if I take my shirt off?" He asked me. I felt my face get red as I shook my head. I put my stuff down as he took his shirt off. I couldn't help but stare at his toned stomach. I heard him laugh and I looked away quickly.

I walked over to one side of the bed as he was at the other. I got into his bed but he didn't. "I'll be right back" he said then ran out of the room. I looked around his room after I got comfortable. I grabbed my phone to see Alissa called me and I had a missed text from Dylan. I didn't look at it as I cleared my notifications and the door opened again. It was Jason. I put my phone down on the night stand and I felt Jason climb into the bed.

"If we watch something, no scary movies" I told him and he smirked shaking his head. This will be an interesting.

What do you think about what happened at Jason's house with the boys??
I hope you liked!

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