Chapter 49

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"I really need to pack" I said as I stepped back and went into my closet. I grabbed a bunch of clothes and threw them on my bed. Jason's sitting on my bed just watching me.

"Do your friends know you're leaving?" He asked me.

"Not yet" I said and sighed. Then my door opened. I looked over and my mom walks in.

"Hi Jason" she said to him.

"I'm sorry for your loss" Jason said to her and she nodded and smiled slightly. She looked over at me.

"We're actually going to leave really early tomorrow morning so we have time to pack and get everything situated" she told me. I nodded then she walked out. I faced Jason.

"Can you sleep here?" I asked him.

"Of course I can" he said. I went over to my bed and packing all the clothes I put on the bed. I grabbed another suitcase and put it on my desk.

"I hate packing" I said. Jason chuckled. I faced him. "Can you help so maybe it will be faster?" I asked. He stood up and nodded.

"What do you want me to do?" He asked.

"You see that drawer right there?" I asked him as I pointed to it. He nodded. "Put everything that's in there, in the suitcase on my bed. Then grab like 3 pairs of sneakers and put them in that suitcase too" I told him. He nodded again and went to do it. I started to pack the other suitcase but I stopped and grabbed my phone. I'll tell my friends now. I write something to Gigi then copy and pasted it and sent it to Alissa and Becca too. I locked my phone and continued packing.


It's been about an hour and half since I started packing. Jason got lazy and is now just sitting on my bed watching tv. I don't mind though. As long as he's here. I took the suitcase off my bed and put it on the floor just in case I kick it off in my sleep or if Jason does. Jason moved over and I crawled under the covers. I laid my head on his chest. I sighed.

"This is going to be a long month Jason" I said. I heard him sigh.

"I know babe I know" he said then I sat up. I cradled him and he start smirking. He was about to talk, but I cut him off.

"Shut up. Don't even. We're just talking" I said and he laughed.

"This is a funny way for friends to be just talking" he joked and I frowned and hit his arm. "Ow" he said and frowned too.

"I'm missing the last week of school. I mean I don't care since I don't like school, obviously, but like I'm going to be a senior and I think it's crazy. But wait oh my god. Hunter and Travis are graduating next week. Awe I was going to go and make you come. It's alright who cares. I'm going to be a senior. But I'm missing my last week of junior year and-" Jason cut me off. Shit I was rambling. I do that when I'm nervous and don't want to talk about something.

"Mackenzie I love you, but shut up" he said jokingly with a smile on his face. I smiled. "Missing a few more days of school won't do you harm. You still got next year"

"I'm not even worried about that. I could care less" I told him and he looked at me confused. I laughed. "When I get nervous and don't want to talk about something, I ramble about random stuff" I told him and he laughed. "Stop its not funny" I whined.

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