Chapter 59

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So today is the day of Jason's meeting with his entire gang. But he said its an important meaning. I'm nervous to go to be honest. I don't even know why I'm going. I wasn't sure what to wear. I'm wearing nice jeans and a nice black shirt. But anyway, since my dad is out of town for a few days, tomorrow night my mom said Jason can come over for dinner. We're both nervous about that.

I parked my car in front of Jason's house and grabbed my bag. I only have a bag since I'm just going to sleep here after. As I got out of the car, I saw some of the guys outside standing by the van. Are we all getting in the van? We can't do that... They are all dressed so nice. Like suit jackets and stuff like that.

"Sup Wood" Travis said to me. I smiled as they all faced me as I got to them.

"Hey what time are we all going?" I asked.

"Soon. I think we're waiting on Kade and Jason" Cameron cut in. I nodded.

"We all can't take the van right?" I asked and they laughed and shook their head.

"Unless we wanna sit on everyone nah" Cameron told me. I nodded. I looked over at the house and saw Kade and Jason walk out of the house. Jason's literally in a suit. Damn he looks good in it. He smirked at me.

"Hey babe" he said and kissed me as he got to me. I hugged him quickly. "We're taking my car" he told me. I nodded.

"Alright we're gonna start going" Johnson said. Johnson and Hunter got into the van while the others started walking to a different car.

"Come on" Jason said and I walked beside him till we got to the car. We both got in and I instantly smelt something weird. He mumbled a curse word under his breath and then turn on the AC blasting it.

"Is that weed?" I asked him as I crunched my nose. It's gross and I don't want to sit in it.

"I'm sorry I-" he stopped and shook his head as he started to drive.

"No it's fine. I just don't want to sit in the smell" I said then opened up my bag. I grabbed my perfume and sprayed it.

"No! Now my car is gonna smell like girl!" He whined. I laughed and put it away. I kept laughing and he pouted.

"Sorry baby" I said like a kid then put my hand on his thigh. He flinched a little. I tried to hide my laugh.

"I'm driving" he said trying to stay calm and pay attention to the road. I slowly moved my hand.

"Whoops" I said then grabbed my phone. I felt the car stop and I looked up to see we are at the a red light. Suddenly I felt Jason's hand on my thigh, but he moved it far up to its literally next to my little spot....

"Whoops" he said mocking me then moved his hand and started driving again as the light turned green. We both laughed.

"Asshole" I said then my phone started ringing. "That's weird. My little cousin is face timing me" I said. This is my uncle nicks kid, Larissa. "Hey Larissa!" I answered.

"Hey Mack" she said but she's looks upset.

"What's wrong? You look sad" I said pouting and she shrugged.

"I like this boy-" I cut her off.

"Awe! That's so cute! Who? Do I know him?-" she cut me off. Like I did to her.

"Mackenzie!" She said laughing. I smiled. "Who are you with so I don't embarrass my self?" She asked me.

"I'm with my boyfriend" I told her and her eyes widened.

"One from Instagram right?" She asked and I nodded. "Okay I can't tell you right now" she told me. She's talking about Kade.. I sighed.

"Your dad told me" I told her and she sighed.

"I know it's wrong and stupid" she said.

"who does she like?" Jason asked me. I glared at him.

"No one" I said and he laughed. Larissa smiled. "Have you ever met him?" I asked her.

"No. I've seen him in school. But he doesn't know I exist" she told me.

"It's for the better that way. Please stay away from him. I'm telling-" she cut me off.

"Hey but what about you? It's just like you right now" she said pouting again.

"No it's completely different Riss. You're 15 and I'm going to be a senior and I'm 18 And the kid you like is 18 already too" I said and she sighed. "I know it sucks. But you don't know what you'll bring your self into. Trust me"

"Isn't your boyfriend not even in our school?" She asked and Jason laughed.

"Shut up Jase" I said to him jokingly and shook my head. "But no he's not. Although he acts like it's your age"

"Hey!" Jason yelled at me. I laughed. Larissa started laughing too.

"I'm sorry baby" I said and looked back at Larissa. "But seriously. Please. You and your friends can like him all you want, but please I'm actually begging you not to talk to him" I begged.

"I'm not going to anyway. It's weird and he doesn't know I exist. I just want to you talk me out of liking him"

"I know I know. How about I call you when I'm not with anyone so we could talk about it and say whatever we want and you won't have to worry if anyone's listening. Okay?"

"Okay. Thank you"

"Of course. I'll text you when I can call you"

"Okay bye" she said and we hung up.

"Kade" Jason said and my eyes widened.

"What the fuck?" I said and started laughing. He laughed. "How did you know that?" I asked confused.

"I took a guess" he said and laughed.

"You're weird" I said laughing then realized we pulled into a parking spot. I put my bag in the back seat and put my phone in my pocket. We both got out and I looked around. There's kind of a lot of cars. But it's also a big building so not everyone is for us I'm guessing. I stopped behind the car to wait for Jason. He smirked as he got to me. He grabbed my waist and pushed me up against the back of the car. "What are you-" he cut me off by pressing his lips to mine. I smiled through the kiss as he got closer and put his hands on my lower back right above my ass. I put my hands on his neck deepening the kiss. Then we heard someone whistle so I pulled away.

"Go McCann!" I heard and we both looked behind him to see someone walking past us to the building. Jason laughed and faced me again.

"You're hot" he whispered as he put his lips on my neck.

"I guess you are too" I joked. He laughed and looked down at me.

"Shut up" he said back and I laughed and ran one of my hands through his hair.

"You look good in a suit" I told him. He smirked.

"I'll look even better in it when you're taking it off me later" he said then winked. He backed up and started to walk away. I stood there shocked. "Are you coming or what?" I heard Jason. I looked over at him then nodded. He held his hand out for me and I smiled. I caught up to him and he wrapped his arm around my shoulders as I put my arm around his torso. He kissed my cheek as we kept walking. I think today wouldn't be so bad.

I'm sorry it was kind of short!! I hope you liked it anyway.

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