Chapter 38

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It's been hours since we got to Ronnie's cabin. It was kind of far from Jason's. It's literally in the middle of the woods. It's a little weird since I've never been to a place like this. Anyway, Ronnie's girlfriend (Ariana) is also here. Me and her have been in the kitchen just talking while the guys are in the living room doing whatever.

"So how long have you and Ronnie been together?" I asked Ariana.

"Almost two years" She told me smiling. "What about you and McCann?" She asked me.

"Almost a month" I said and shrugged. It wasn't a long time even though it felt like it. She nodded.

"That's pretty long for Jason" she said and we laughed. "I'm glad he finally stayed down with a girl for more than a night. You'll be good for him" she told me. I smiled.

"I hope so. He's just so different with me. It's like a completely different side of him when it's me and him. Like he's not a criminal. You know what I mean?" I said and she nodded. She smiled.

"That's cute. He doesn't seem so grumpy all the time anymore" she said and we laughed. I looked over at the clock and it read 10pm. "You might be here a while, the boys are drinking and smoking. The usual" she told me. I rolled my eyes.

"I'm not driving with him when he's drunk or high and there's no way he'd let me drive his car" I said. "I'm going to talk to him I'll be right back" I said to her and walked out to the living room. "Jason" I called for him and his head snapped to me. He stood up. "Can we talk?" I mouthed to him. He nodded and came over to me. He put his hand on my back and lead me to one of the closed doors. He opened it and allowed me to go in first. It's a bedroom. I heard the door close and I faced Jason. He had a smirk on his face as he stepped in front of me. His eyes were blood shot so obviously he was high. And I smelt a little bit of alcohol on his breath.

"I want to go home now, you ready to go?" He asked me as he put his hands on my waist.

"Here's the thing-" he cut me off by pressing his lips to mine. I pulled away. "Jason listen to me" I said and he pouted.

"Come on baby" he said and put his lips on my neck. I sighed.

"Jason please listen to me" I said and he pulled his head away and looked at me. He just stared at me. "I'm not driving home with you while you're like this. So I can drive-" he cut me off by laughing.

"You aren't driving my car"

"Exactly, so I'll just stay here" I told him and he rolled his eyes.

"No you're coming home with me" he said and I stepped back and sighed.

"No I'm not. You can't drive Jason. I'm staying here" I said and crossed my arms. He shook his head.

"I'm fine to drive babe" he said and chuckled. I sighed and looked away. "Fine. Whatever I don't care. I'll pick you up in the morning but I'm driving myself" I looked back at him and he started walking out.

"Jason stop I don't want you to drive" I said as I followed him out. He ignored what I said and went to grab his keys from the couch. I grabbed them first. He gave me a nasty look.

"Give. Me. My. Keys." He said through his teeth angrily and held his hand out.

"No-" he cut me off.

"Now Mackenzie" he snapped and I put his keys in his hand. He closed his palm still looking at me. He smirked. "Are you coming with me or not" he asked and I shook my head. His smirk dropped and his lips formed a thin line. Then he looked at the boys. "Bye boys!" He yelled playfully and they all yelled shit back. He started walking to the door.

"I'll be back" I told them then followed Jason out.

"Oh babe you're coming!" He said as he wrapped his arm around my waist as we kept walking to his car.

"No Jase" I said back as I flung my arm around his shoulder. We got to his car and he pulled his away and opened his door but leaned against the back door. He pouted and pulled me to him by his waist. I put my hands on his chest.

"You should be coming home with me" he said and pulled me even closer so our faces were inches away.

"Please just stay" I said. He shook his head. "Fine. Then please please drive safe Jason. I don't want you to get hurt" I told him. He smiled and chuckled.

"Just trust me. I'll be fine" he said and we just stared at each other. "Did I tell you how hot you are?" He said as he put his lips close to mine. I smiled and felt my face heat up. "And you know, I'm pretty sure I love you" he said and I giggled.

"Pretty sure?" I asked. He chuckled.

"I think this is love. I don't really know what love is" he told me. Damn that's deep.

"I love you too" I whisper to him. He smiled then pressed his lips to mine. We moved in sync as his hands went lower and my hands went to his shoulders. I pulled away. "Are you sure you can drive drunk?" I asked concerned. He smirked and rolled his eyes.

"I'm fine!" He said as I took a step back. Sure you are Jason.

"Alright. I'll see you in the morning I guess"
I said as he opened the held on to his door. He nodded. He kissed me one more time.

"Bye babe" he said and got in. I shut his door for him then walked away. I heard him speed off. He's going to give me a heart attack. I laughed at myself then walked back into the house.

"Why didn't you leave with him?" Hunter asked me.

"I didn't want to drive with someone who's high and drunk" I told him. He nodded. I was about to walk away, but he kept talking.

"Does Gigi ever talk about me?" He asked me. My eyebrows raised. I'm shocked he would ask me.

"We've talked about you a few times about how you broke up. Just because of me and Jason you know?" I told him. He nodded then sat back down. I walked over to Ariana.

"Where am I sleeping?" I asked her. She pointed to the room that I was in with Jason before. I thanked her, said good night then walked into the room. I shut the door and laid down on the bed. I hate to leave Jason and stay at this random place, but I got scared. I didn't want to drive with someone like that. I'm sure he does it a lot, but still.

The face that he says he loves me, but doesn't know what love is just makes happy because he feels so much for me and I really really like him. It's crazy feeling because it's Jason McCann. He's a criminal, one of the biggest criminals. I love a criminal??

I'm so sorry it's so short! I hope you liked it anyway. I have more to come!

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