Chapter 65

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As soon as I laid down in my bed, I let out a sigh of relieve. I just finished cleaning my room. I was so bored and it really was kind of a mess. It's been two days since me and Gigi saw Jason at Buffalo Wild Wings. I haven't seen him since.

He has tried to come over, but I kept telling him no. Like it was a bad time or something. I'm not ignoring him. I'm just keeping the convos short. What he said still kind of bothers me.

How can he not remember? He wasn't that drunk... Anyway my mom is finally home which I'm so happy about. Except right now her and her friends are down stairs. As soon as I closed my eyes, my phone buzzed. I sat up and grabbed my phone.

Jason: babe

Me: what

Jason: I miss you..

Me: I saw you the other day

Jason: lol I'm coming over

Me: you can't. My moms having some of her friends over

Jason: then I can meet them!!

Me: Jason..

I didn't get a reply back so I put my phone down. But as I did that, my phone started ringing. Jason of course.

"Hi" I answered.

"So can I come over? Or-" I cut him off.

"It's just not a good day Jason-" now he cut me off like I did to him.

"So is tomorrow going to be bad day too? Just like yesterday oh and yeah today" he snapped. I sighed. I didn't say anything. "Say something"

"Do you want to go on a walk with me?" I asked him.

"I'm at a store near your house so I'll be there really soon" he said then hung up before I had the chance to speak. I sighed as I stood up. He's going to figure out somethings up. Should I just mention about what he was saying when he came drunk? Do you think he'll even ask? I put my phone in my back pocket then went to my mirror. I look like shit. I walk into the bathroom and grabbed some of my makeup. I know Jason doesn't care about make up, but I sure as hell do. I should hurry up. He's at the store near my house and I know what store he's talking about. It's pretty close. I walked over to my closet and put on my Nike jacket then slid on my Nike shoes. Those are the only Nike things I have to be honest. I heard a car door slam so I ran over to the window to see Jason walking across my lawn to get to my house. I sprayed perfume on, grabbed my phone, then walked out.

"Hey Jason! Come in!" I heard my moms voice. I can already tell her and her friends are drinking a little bit. I walked down stairs to see my mom had already dragged him to meet her friends.

"Mackenzie! I haven't seen you in a while!" Her friend Mary said as she walked up to me. I hugged her quickly and smiled. I looked over at Jason who was smiling over at me then looked back at my mom as she introduced him to her friend saying how nice of a boyfriend he is too me. I laughed at her then turned back to Mary. "So that's your boyfriend?" She asked me. I nodded smiling. "He's cute Mack. I hope he treats you right" she said and I laughed.

"He does" I told her. "We actually have to go" I said as I walked over to him. I hugged his arm. "Mom stop" I said laughing. "We're going bye!" I yelled to them as I pulled him away. As soon as we got outside, I pulled my arm away. We both laughed at what was just going on.

"Okay that was unexpected. Were they drunk?" He asked with a smile on his face. He stopped walking so I did too and faced him.

"A little bit" I said and shrugging. I laughed. "Let's just walk to the park down the street"
I told him and he nodded. So we started walking again.

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