Chapter 40

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**Mackenzie's P.O.V**

Me and Gigi have literally been sitting in the lake for almost in hour. Its not cold it's nice. We have small rafts so we've just been talking.

"So me and hunter were talking before, and we're going out to dinner tonight" Gigi told me. My eyes widened.

"That's good right?" I asked her. She nodded. I smiled and so did she. "Do you think you guys will get back together?" I asked her. She shrugged.

"Maybe. I don't know. If it goes well and we talk about it maybe" she said to me. I smiled. Before I could say anything, I was interrupted by a voice. We both looked over at the deck to see Hunter and Jason out on the deck.

"You got two hours till we go!" Hunter yelled to Gigi. Gigi and I looked at each other with wide eyes.

"Do you know what you're wearing?" I asked her. She shook her head and my eyes widened again. "Let's go now" I said to her. She nodded and we got out of the lake. We grabbed our towels and walked up to the boys. "I'll be right in" I told her and she walked in. Hunter went in behind her. I wrapped the towels around me since I'm now cold and looked over at Jason. He had a smirk on his face. "What?" I asked as I felt my face heat.

"Nothing. When they leave, let's go swimming in the lake" he said. I nodded. I went to go inside, but he grabbed me from behind. His lips went to close to my neck. He turned me around so our body were touching. He slowly connecting his lips with mine. He pulled his lips away, but we stayed where we were. "Maybe you should go help your friend now" he said as his hands traveled to my ass.

"I really hate you" I told him. He chuckled and had the biggest smirk on his face. He pulled away a little and sat down on one of the chairs on the deck. He grabbed my waist. His hands traveled to the back of my thighs and tried to pull me down to him. I laughed and straddled his lap. My towel dropped to the ground. I put my hands on his neck as his hands were on my ass. "I have to go help Gigi" I said laughing.

"I'm sure she's going to shower first. So I'm pretty sure she doesn't need help in the shower" he said and I laughed even more. He smiled. "I'm not all bad right?" He joked.

"You're perfect" I said and I swear his cheeks for a little. "You just blushed!" I yelled and pointed a finger in his face. He pushed my finger away.

"Shut up. I don't blush" he denied it and rolled his eyes. I cupped his face with my hands.

"You're so cute!" I said in a baby voice. He rolled his eyes again. "Stop!" I said like a baby again. He grabbed my hands.

"I hope you know I hate you" he joked and I smiled and put my face in neck and hugged his torso.

"You love me shut up" I said and he chuckled as he put his hands on my thighs. I pulled away and put my hands on his chest again. "I have an idea. I'm going to try to cook for you tonight" I told him. He smiled. "But we'd have to go to the store and get stuff if you don't have anything" I told him.

"Spaghetti?" He asked. I shrugged then nodded.

"We just have to go get stuff. But we can do that when they leave" I said and he nodded.

"Wait get up" he said so I got off and he stood up. He grabbed my hand and dragged me inside. He ignored Johnson and Hunter who are siting on the couch and he dragged me up the steps. We went into his room and he shut the door. He let go of my hand and went over to his night stand and grabbed the can of soda and went near his trash can and spilt it. "Fuck!" He said and groaned. I laughed and just sat on his bed. He faced me and pouted. The soda was all over his shirt. I laughed then he shrugged then pulled his shirt off. I tried not to look at his abs. His tattoos were amazing.

"Purpose" I read as I saw his purpose tattoo on his stomach. He walked over to me. He crawled onto the bed and laid next to me. He pulled me down causing me to laugh again. He grabbed my waist and leaned close to my face. "Are there meanings to these tattoos?" I asked him.

"Of course" he said back like it was very obvious. He got on top of me and put one of his hands on my jaw. He just stared at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked him. He shook his head.

"Nothing" he whispered. He slowly kissed me. He pulled away and moved down a little. He laid his head on my chest and put his hand on my side. I put my hand in his hair and the other on his back.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"I can't kiss you right now" he told me. Not sure how I should feel... He didn't move. Was it something I did?

"Why?" I asked and laughed a little trying to ease the feeling.

"Because I'm shirtless and you're in your bikini. I might try to fuck you and I-" he stopped talking and sighed. I'm a little taken back. Not in a bad way. Just a weird feeling. I wasn't sure if we should yet. Would it be too soon in the relationship? I mean we've been only dating for little over two weeks. But he's been so used to being able to fuck anyone every night if he wanted too. "I shouldn't of said anything" he said as he started to get up. I grabbed his face to make him look at me.

"Stop doing that. Trying to take everything back and trying to walk away from it" I told him. "Just relax" I said and pulled him down hugging his body. He sighed then moved so he's laying next to me and he pulled me to him. I laid my head on his chest and he wrapped his arms around me and I did the same. I moved my hand up to his hair and ran my hand through it. Then I heard a knock at the door.

"Mackenzie. I need your help now" I heard Gigi's voice.

"Okay. Hold on" I yelled back not moving from Jason. "I don't want to move" I said but then I sat up. He stared at me and smiled. "I have to change but I don't want to" I whined. He laughed then got up.

"I got something for you" he said and went over to his closet. He came back to me with a yellow jersey. He showed me the front that said 'SW' then showed me the back at said 'McCann' and the number was 69. I laughed.

"I love it" I said smiling then he throw it to me. I put it on then went over to my suit case and grabbed black Sophie shorts and slipped those one. I looked back at Jason and he slipped a shirt on. I smiled at him and he looked at me and noticed. He smirked. I walked out smiling. I walked into the bathroom to see Gigi. She looked at my jersey and I turned around and showed her the back she laughed.

"Why is your face so red?" she asked me. I giggled and hid my face.

"Just how Jason gets me" I said shrugging. She rolled her eyes playfully. God I'm so crazy for Jason. He makes me feel so many different types of ways.

I hope you guys liked this!!

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