Chapter 97

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A Few Days Later**

I sighed as I put the note down on the counter of my kitchen. I looked around and then shut my eyes. I don't know when I'll see this house next. When I'll see my parents next. Or my brother. This is my childhood house. I'm gonna miss it so much. But I know I'll be good when I leave.

My parents think I'm going to "a special smart school". They agreed to it, but they don't know that I'm leaving today while they aren't home. I stayed with them all night making sure I'd have a good last time with them before I leave. Who knows when I'll see them again.

I picked up my other bag and walked out of my house. I saw a car waiting for me outside. I know it's Johnson's. I put my bag in the back seat then go in the front.

"Are you ready to do this?" He asked as he started driving.

"I guess so. I got this 30 minute car ride to help I guess" I said and laughed at myself a little.

"Uh no. Ten minutes" he corrected me. I looked at him confused.

"What are you talking about? The airport is 30 minutes away" I said confused. He shook his head and laughed.

"You're going on a private plane at the private airport which is ten minutes away" he told me. I nodded.

"Oh okay I didn't know that" I said and grabbed my phone. "So what do I do with this?" I asked showing him my phone.

"Oh you're getting a new phone when you get off the plane so you can just turn that off for now. Till they need it later" he told me. I nodded turning it off then shoving it in my bag.

"When are you guys planing to get Jason out of jail?" I asked confused.

"Hopefully tonight" he answered.

"He must be dying in there" I said and he laughed. I can't just imagine Jason. He doesn't like small spaces and I'm sure the cell is tiny. We sat in silence for about ten minutes till we got to the airport. I looked over at him and took a deep breath. He grabbed a piece of folded up paper from his pocket and handed it to me. "What is this?" I asked and opened it up.

"Just information. When your plane leaves and lands. What time we will get there. What town. The street of the house that is now yours. The street of where me and the gang will stay. Everything you will need to know" he told me. I nodded and grabbed my bag and opened the door.

"I'll try not to screw up" I said getting out. He laughed and shook his head. I waved then faced two securities.

"Ready for your flight miss?" One of them asked me. I nodded and smiled. I followed them to a plane and I got on it all by myself. I sat down and looked out the window. I can do this. I know I can. I jumped a little as a guy walked on the plane with a few bags in his hand.

"These are the rest of your bags" he told me. I smiled.

"You can leave them there. Thank you" I said smiling. He smiled then got off the plane. I sighed and looked around the plane. A few hours on this plane.


I got off the plane and saw a car waiting for me. I knew that's the car I need to get into. I smiled as a guy came up to me.

"I'll take your bags to the car" he said grabbing them.

"Thank you" I said and followed him to the car. The trunk popped up and he put my bags in it. I smiled and he walked away. I got into the back seat of the car and smiled at the two familiar faces in the front seats. "Ryan. Maejor" I said smiling.

"Sup Mackenzie" Maejor said back.

"So what do we have to do first?" Ryan asked as he started driving.

"I think just go into the town. Doesn't matter what order I think. Not till later" I told him.

"Are you excited?" Maejor asked me.

"Yeah" I said smiling.

"Is Jason out yet?" Ryan asked me.

"Not yet. They are doing it tonight" I told him. He nodded.

"Jason must be going crazy. He hates small places like that" Ryan said. We laughed.

"I was thinking the same thing" I said and watched out the window. This place looks nice. No wonder he wants to come back here.

"So have you ever been here?" Maejor asked. They have a lot of questions.

"No I haven't" I answered him.

"You'll like it. It's a small town, but it's nice" Ryan told me.

"Maejor you moved here?" I asked Maejor. He nodded.

"A few months ago" he answered back. I nodded even though he couldn't see me.

As we drove into a town, I stared out the window watching everything we passed. I'm actually really excited to see this place and get to live in it. I just wish Jason would come soon.

We entered the town and I read the welcome sign.

"Stratford: Population 32000"


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