Chapter 63

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I sighed as the movie ended. I'm home alone just watching movies. It's 1am and I still haven't get a text from Jason saying he's home or if he's okay. Maybe he's still there. I mean he did stay at a club till 3am once or probably more then just once. Maybe that's what he's doing. I'm getting tired. I should just go to sleep. He's also out so I'm sure he's fine.

So anyway, my dad is still at Dylan's school, but then he's going to New York after for a week. My mom is at Vegas with her friends since her friend is getting married soon. She left earlier today. So I'm home alone and I hate having to be in a dark house at 1am alone. I should just go upstairs and go to sleep. But suddenly, I saw headlights go on the wall meaning someone is in the driveway. Oh no.

What if it's someone trying to rob us? Oh my god. I stood up and went near the kitchen just in case I need to run out the back door. I ran into the garage and grabbed a bat. I heard my door bell ring which made me jump. I slowly walk over to the door and they ring the door bell again. I unlocked in and opened it with the bat still in my hand. But when I opened the door, it revealed a drunk Jason. He smiled at me and walked in.

"Babe!" He said as he walked over to my couch. I lock the door and put my bat down. I noticed he has a bag in his hand.

"Jason are you drunk?" I asked standing next to the couch he's sitting on. He looks over at me all serious.

"No" he said in all seriousness.

"Yes you are" I said as I sat down.

"I know" he said and giggled. He giggled! He's so cute oh my god. I have the cutest yet criminal boyfriend. I smiled. "I brought candy!" He said and handed me the bag. As I looked in the bag, he talked. "Wanna hear a joke?" He asked. I put the bag on the couch between us as I look up at him. "Why does Waldo wear a striped shirt?"

"Why?" I ask.

"Because he doesn't want to be spotted!" Jason told me and started laughing like it was so funny. Then he looked at me and frowned. "I'm funny" I nodded and laughed.

"Yes you are" I said and grabbed candy from the box.

"I have to tell you something" he said whispering.

"What is it?" I asked and he leaned closer.

"I have a twin brother" he said then started laughing. "I'm just kidding" he said and grabbed candy. He started eating the candy like a kid. I smiled. Drunk Jason with me is literally a 5 year old.

"Jason did you drive here?" I asked confused. He shook his head.

"I got dropped off" he told me. I moved the bag from him and put it on the coffee table. He can't have more, he'll be hyper. He frowned.

"Do you love me?" I asked him.

"Of course" he said then stood up but almost fell over. I quickly stood up and grabbed his arm. He smiled down at me. "You're hot" he said and I smiled.

"Wanna go upstairs?" I asked. He nodded. He went to grab the candy, but I stopped him. "No more tonight" I said and he whined. I grabbed his arm and we walked to the steps. Please don't fall over. We carefully-well I carefully walked up him up the steps into my room. I shut the door and he sat on my bed. He stood up but I pushed him back down then I bent down to take off his shoes. He smirked.

"I like where this is going" he said and I rolled my eyes as I took his shoes off and stood up.

"This isn't going anywhere" I said then he stood up. "Jason relax you're drunk-" he cut me off by pressing his lips to mine. He had his hands placed on my waist. He turned us around and started walking us to the bed without removing our lips. He then pulled away and softly pushed me on the bed then crawled on top of me and started kissing me again. I put my hands on his neck. Then he suddenly pulled away and laid his head on my chest. I put one hand on his head. Then he started mumbled something. "What?" I asked cutting him off. He lifted his head and looked me in the eyes.

"When I first met you, I planned on using you and shit. But you annoyed me with how you weren't so scared of me when we met. But I liked that about you though. Also you're hot" he told me and I bite my lip trying not to say anything or get really mad. He's drunk, I can't listen to him. But then again drunk talks are sober thoughts or whatever the saying is. "But then I got to know you" he said quietly then put his head back down. I sighed and ran my hand through his hair.

"Come on let's get comfortable" I said and he got up and stood up. He took his jacket off then the shirt underneath it off. I got up and grabbed the remote then threw it on the bed. Jason sat down on the bed with his feet hanging off. I turned off the light and walked over to the bed. Jason's eyes were on me the whole time. He opened his legs a little bit and grabbed my waist. He pulled me in between my legs as I put my hands on his bare chest.

"Actually wait hold on" he said as he let go of me. I moved my hands and looked at him confused. He moved so he's sitting up against my head board. He patted his lap and I rolled my eyes. "Stop that" he said pouting. I got on the bed and cradled his lap and laid my head on his shoulder.

"Sorry Jase" I said and I felt his hand run through my hair a few times. I would be mad at him right now for saying he wanted to use me. But then again 1) he's drunk 2) he said it was before he got to know me. But still. I picked my head up with my hands on his chest again. "Let's go to sleep" I said as I got off of him. It's all silent as we got under the blankets and I faced my back to him, but I felt his arm go around my waist. "Goodnight Jason" I said quietly.

"Goodnight babe" I heard him say back. I shut my eyes and held in a sigh. "I love you" he whispered. I stayed quiet with my eyes still shut.

Well that's drunk Jason with Mackenzie. Haha I hope you all like this one!!

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