Chapter 9 | The Perverts Here Aren't Even Racist.

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"Uh, I just have to pick some things up. I left my, uh, purse there." I lied avoiding Dylan's eyes.

Smooth Mira. Real smooth.

"And go where?" Dylan asked suspiciously.

"Home." I faked a reassuring smile.

"Don't lie Mira. Do you seriously think that I would believe that?" Dylan rolled his eyes in exasperation. "Jesus, I've never heard an excuse this lame before. If you're going to lie, at least make it seem believable. That way, I'll be saved the extra effort." Dylan shook his head in disbelief as he frowned at me in confusion.

"Well, no one asked you to make the effort." I pointed out. "And also, whether I lie or not is none of your business. You're not my mom. So drop me here and be off, for all I care." I shrugged nonchalantly. Truthfully, his words had stung but I wasn't going to give him the pleasure of knowing that he had gotten to me.

He and his stupid words.

He seemed to regard me silently and I stared defiantly back, refusing to look away first. Finally, he spoke.

"You've got a point." He admitted hesitantly, looking away. "But, I said I would drop you home so I'm not leaving you here alone-especially in this rain. I don't want some pervert to see your clothes sticking to your body like second skin. It really leaves nothing to imagination." he smirked and immediately my hands went up to cover my torso. I looked away as I desperately tried to clutch onto my wet top.

"And trust me, the perverts here aren't even racist."

I clenched my teeth as an angry blush spread on my cheeks and I turned to glare at him. I wasn't going to tolerate lewd comments.

How dare he? Oh god, he was so shameless. Who talks to an unknown girl like that?

He seemed to sense my disapproval at his words and fortunately, had the sense to look ashamed. "I'm sorry. Shouldn't have been so blunt, though I don't regret what I said, because it's true. You could have gotten in some real trouble looking like that." He stuttered, scratching the back of his neck.

Well, at least he apologised.

"It's okay." I muttered warily. "It's not like you're the only one at fault. I should have been careful to bring an umbrella or something."

I could feel Dylan's gaze on me so I glanced up at him sheepishly hoping he wouldn't start from where we left our conversation.

"Okay, well?" He raised an eyebrow.

He looks so gorgeous doing that.

"Well what?" I asked as innocently as I could.

"Don't 'well what?' me, Mira. You know what I'm talking about." He frowned.

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