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It was English and I was reading 'Mansfield Park'. It was a really engrossing story...

That was before Dylan decided to go all freaky on me and I just couldn't concentrate on the novel in front of me.

He had been staring at me for three minutes now.

And they say if a guy looks at a girl for more than five seconds then-

Ugh shut up, brain!

I could feel his gaze on me but I chose to ignore him until...


"Princess" Dylan hissed.

I rolled my eyes and ignored him. I was very annoyed at him right now but I couldn't express my feelings. I didn't want to get kicked out of my class for the first time in my life just because of some annoyingly sexy jackass who by the way was handsome as hell.

Don't tell him I said so, God knows I would die of embarrassment.

And I certainly did not want to inflate his stupid ego even more. I mean that guy already had an ego the size of the whole freaking USA!!!!


I was disturbed yet again by the infuriating jerk sitting behind me. Couldn't he get a hint?

I was not interested in talking to him right now.


"Why are you studying so hard?" I heard him whisper-whine behind me and rolled my eyes once again.

I ignored him again.


I jumped and shot a quick glare in his direction before returning to my book. Hope the sub didn't see our little movement.

I heard him chuckle behind me as I quickly ensured that we weren't currently being looked at.

We weren't. The sub was busy marking papers in the front and was paying no attention to the class.

"Stop poking me." I mouthed angrily at him.

"Then stop reading that goddamn book and talk to me." Dylan winked at me.

I rolled my eyes at his childish antics and started to say that it was what we were supposed to do right now. But Dylan interjected, his lips forming an irresistible smirk.

"Y'know," he began conversationally. "If I had a dollar for every time you roll your eyes at me, I'm sure I could have bought an estate bigger than the 'Scott Estate'."

"Shut up." I flushed. I thought he never noticed. I had started noticing myself that I did it a lot these days but I never thought it was that obvious.

"No seriously." He quipped. "You roll your eyes more often than you smile."

"And you smirk more often than you actually talk." I retorted.

"Ah, but that gives this whole bad boy kind of thing that girls say I have going on, character." He smirked. "I can get any girl I want, Princess. It's all due to my irresistibly sexy smirk, not to mention the good looks, of course."

"Ha," I scoffed. "Any girl that you want? You wish." I retorted and tried to return to my novel.

Okay, that was a real lie. Deep down I knew that Dylan could certainly get any girl that he wanted but I wasn't going to admit that in front of him.


I hated the way he said any girl, as if getting a girl was nothing but a challenge for him.

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