Chapter 12 | The Game

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I don't know what took over me but as soon as I was done with my homework for the day, I had this sudden urge to fling my assignment to the side and plop down on the bed, limbs spread but deciding to act like my usual careful self, I quickly put everything in place before hitting shuffle on my song playlist.

What better time to have a warm, relaxing shower than when you were totally beat after a long day?

Hitting the shower, I quickly lathered up my hair with my favourite shampoo and set my body free, moving ridiculously to the beat of the songs.

"-I don't wanna lose you now. I'm looking right at the other half me. The vacancy that sat in my heart is a space that now you hold-"

Carelessly towelling my hair dry, I padded around the bathroom in a pair of extremely worn out pyjamas, singing my heart out as Justin Timberlake's passionate voice bounced off the walls.

Grabbing my phone off the sparkling granite shelf, I plugged in the earphones and sauntered out into the bedroom. My body felt clean and my skin as cool and soft as a baby's and by the time the chorus of the song came about, I was in a complete state of insouciance.

Closing my eyes, I danced upto my bed, twirling and singing along to the extremely powerful vocals at the end of the song. What I didn't realise was that my voice was nowhere near as sweet as Timberlake's and to someone listening I most probably sounded like a choking fish.

"You have a terrible voice." Dylan remarked from behind me and I couldn't believe my circumstance.

I was finally making myself at home and this was the moment he chose to walk in on me...when I was at my worse, looking like I had no inkling that girls my age had progressed way further in choosing appealing nightwear than I ever could.

"You're literally so bad that I can't even put this up on Instagram without terribly hurting my follower count." He snickered, shoving his phone into his back pocket.

"That's-very materialistic of you." I retorted after a moment's hesitation. It wasn't my fault that I couldn't come up with a fitting retort sooner. I wasn't used to being taken by surprise when I was very clearly enjoying my 'me' time.

And even now, I knew very well that the response I had come up with, still wasn't very fitting but I supposed it would give me enough time to talk Dylan into deleting the embarrassing video that he'd taken.

I was traumatised as it is about the fact that the video had been saved into his brain already. The least I could do was to get the actual video deleted so he wouldn't have the chance to reminisce the mortifying scene he'd just witnessed.

"Well, look at it this way, niña." Dylan chuckled, taking the liberty to stroll inside the room. "I happen to care about the sort of content I'm exposing my friends to." He paused inches away from my bed as I glared at him, annoyed at his condescending tone.
"But this-" He smirked, pointing at my shabby appearance. "-is hardly what I want them to see. It's sensitive content, baby." He mocked.

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