Chapter 45 | I'm Dylan...

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"I want you to let me talk to your mother."

"But you cheated!" I pointed out annoyed. "Winking at that girl was so not fair on your part. You can't really blame me for getting distracted."

Dylan swung the steering wheel around and the car skidded to a smooth stop along the side of the road. Letting his arm rest casually on the wheel, Dylan turned to face me, smoothly pushing his other arm behind my seat's headrest. I gasped from the sudden proximity and retreated a little.

Dylan smirked. His expressions were pure wickedness. Eyes twinkling, he leaned in coming face-to-face with me and licked his lips. "I didn't know you were such a jealous girl, Mira." He said. "And such a spoilsport." He added. "Whether it was by cheating or not, I won fair and square. Don't tell me you're going to go back on your word."

"I-I'm not!" I told him. "And what? You won fair and square?" I spouted incredulously. "Could have fooled me. I don't call making sexy faces at some random girl fair."

"She was hot." Dylan shrugged. I'd almost have been hurt, had I not accidentally caught him peeking at me from the side of his eye, waiting for my reaction. I pushed him so that he flopped back into his seat.

"Right. You know what? Guys like you deserve girls like that." I mocked. "Stringing along two guys at once. I'm sure you have no idea but she was with her boyfriend at that time. I can't even think of what would have happened had he seen-"

I was cut off abruptly as my eyes widened. My hands went lax on Dylan's chest as I felt his lips crash upon mine. Butterflies erupted inside my belly as his hand moved to rest on the nape of my neck. Soon, we were leaning backwards, the seat digging into my back as Dylan pressed insistently onto my lips. My head spinning, I couldn't hold back any longer and my fingers slid into his glorious hair. The kiss was everything our first kiss had been and more. It was demanding yet gentle, insistent yet slow, passionate yet loving. My fingers clenched in Dylan's hair as he coaxed my mouth open and deepened the kiss. The heat of his passion hit me with full force as his grip on me tightened a little and I moaned. The sound was strange to my own ears but Dylan continued doing his thing until we were both out of breath and panting slightly, our sighs audible against the silence of the car.


"Stop, or I'll kiss you again." Dylan breathed, his gaze smouldering. His eyes fell upon my now wet lips and I blushed a deep red, quickly averting my gaze from his. "Sometimes-" Dylan paused to make me face him. "-losing is fine even if the other cheats." He smiled softly. "Because for all you know, a kiss might just be the answer you're looking for."

I started to speak but Dylan shushed me with a finger and pushed a lock of my hair behind my ear, all while gazing deep into my eyes and I gulped. "And a little bit of faith." The pad of his thumb brushed against my lower lip. "You know we have to tell your mom sooner or later. I don't want to lose you to someone else."

"You won't," I said, reaching out to caress his cheek.

"And I absolutely refuse to delay things any further as well," Dylan told me, his eyes determined. "My family loves you. I love you. So much. It's only fair your mom knows too."

"But Dylan, it's not that easy."

"It isn't impossible."


"Dylan, I'm not playing around, okay? If you want me to talk to my mother about this, fine I will. But there's no way I'm letting you in join in." I cried as I reached out for the laptop in Dylan's hand. "You are not welcome to aggravate the situation further."

"But I want to do things, you know." Dylan said calmly, as he pushed the laptop farther away from my reach. "What better time than now to say Namaste to my girlfriend's mom?"

"You shall do no such thing, Dylan." I warned. "Give me that." I lunged for the laptop.

Dylan tsked. "No such luck, niña. I haven't practised so much for nothing."

"Dylan, I'm serious." I held up a finger.

"So am I." Dylan shrugged, swooping in to peck my raised finger and smirk.

"My mom will not be happy."

"I can't imagine her being unhappy once she's seen this face." He said quickly. "I mean, I wasn't born this handsome for nothing. The least I could do is charm your mom."

I rolled my eyes. This boy. Even when I was so tense, I couldn't help but be amazed at how easily he could make me forget all my worries, even if it was for a second. "You sure are all big words today." I retorted. "Let's see how well you manage to impress my mother. Trust me, she's not an easy nut to crack when it comes to me. Don't say I didn't warn you when you're at the verge of fleeing, waiting for that one chance to avoid confessing your love for me in front of her. I won't be able to help you then."

Dylan grinned, shoving the laptop onto my lap as he plopped down onto the bed, beside me. "If that long-ass threat just meant that I'm allowed to join in your conversation, then I'll take this opportunity, thank you very much. And as for your mom, I think it'll be best if you let two adults sort it out between themselves." He gestured towards the screen and himself.

"He-" My mother's voice halted mid-word when she saw Dylan's smiling face staring back at her instead of mine. Her eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Throwing Dylan a panicked look, I pulled the laptop sideways so that we both were in frame. I cursed inwardly as my mother's expression quickly went from confused to angry.

"Yeh ladka kaun hai, Mira?" (Who's this guy, Mira?)

I already knew. Knowing my mother and every other Indian mother out there, I was prepared for this particular question being hurled at me before anything else. I maintained a somber expression.

"Ma, I told you that I was staying at the Scotts', right? He's their eldest son, Dylan." I discreetly elbowed him to shift away from me a little. Even if my mother was to look upon us in a positive way, he'd better start working on increasing his chances of really impressing her. "He's the guy I was asked to tutor. Dylan?" I turned towards Dylan. "This is my mother."

Dylan, now in the mood, was all charm. Flashing me a bright grin, he folded both of his hands together and looked at my mother. "Namaste, Ms. Anand. I'm Dylan, Mira's boyfriend."

Uh oh. I was in trouble.

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