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I felt myself being lifted up in strong arms and squealed loudly as I was whirled around effortlessly.

I knew it was Dylan. It had to be him. Nobody else had the nerve to touch me like that, except him. He always found one excuse or another to touch me. His intentions weren't bad. I knew that with certainty. Every girl in this world has that sixth sense warning us each and every time we face a male. It's like it is hardwired in our brains. One wrong move, one wrong gesture and immediately red alerts go off in that subconscious part of our brains that says get outta here' or 'run for your life' or just the plain old warning 'danger' and right now that subconscious part of my brain was completely at peace. I don't know why but it just was.

Dylan was the only guy who had ever come close to me, which I never wanted but with him the alerts never sounded. He kissed me on the cheek, a stunt I would have never allowed anybody to pull with me, but my stupid brain did not protest.

He touched me on a different pretense everyday, but never once did it seem as if his intentions were disrespectful. Never did his touch come with an unexplainable feeling of dread and wariness but what it came with I just could not will myself to put into words.

Just the way I could not, now.

I heard Dylan laugh heartily as he set me down, his arms still around my waist as he rested his chin on my shoulder.

"Gotcha." He whispered sexily against my cheek and I felt a shiver run through my body.

"Why you shivering baby?" Dylan teased and I groaned inwardly. Why did his touch affect me so much? Why was I so responsive that I couldn't even conceal a shiver from him?

"I'm just cold." I lied from between my teeth, my eyes still shut out of embarrassment.

"At 34 degrees?" Dylan shot back cheekily.

I mentally face-palmed my stupid self. How could I give such a stupid excuse? Dylan was right. It really was quite hot outside. The mansion was air conditioned so I never knew what the weather was like outdoors. To tell the truth I was still adjusting to California's weather and the whole thing about homes being air conditioned and all that jazz.

Back in India people were truly exposed to the climatic conditions. It wasn't abnormal to see people fanning themselves with newspapers, paper fans and fans made of cloth in summers whenever there would be an electricity cut or children walking around stuffed into four or five layers of clothes in extreme winter. We didn't have air conditioned houses there. Whether it was the scorching hot or the icy cold winds that could chill you to your bones, we had to face it all. 

"Yes, you got a problem with that?" I retorted.

"Nope. Not at all, Princess." Dylan chuckled shaking his head against my neck. "I was just wondering that why in the world would you wear a full sleeved top and sweatpants when it is so hot outside?" He muttered cheekily.

"Well, it wasn't this hot indoors." I stated shrugging my shoulders lightly.

"In case you haven't noticed we are outdoors now, sweetheart." Dylan turned me around to face him.

"I am not your sweetheart," I glared at him. "And I hate your nicknames." I smiled sweetly.

"Oh really?" Dylan raised an eyebrow." Then what was it with you 'baby' ing me," he made an inverted commas gesture with his hands. " just a few moments ago?" He smirked.

"Oh that," I said pretending to think as I tapped my chin thoughtfully.

"I'm waiting." Dylan smirked at me still holding my other hand.

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