Chapter 48 | Four Months Later

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I hadn't seen Dylan for almost four months now. But my mother and Karthik still weren't here.

The hotel room was...well, just like a hotel room. I poured the boiling water into a cup of ready-to-eat noodles and watched silently as the steam from the now bubbling noodles engulfed the small space. Covering the plastic container with the aluminium foil, I rose from my chair to throw the windows open to let some of the moisture out.

The room was small. Barely the size of a mini pantry. A small rectangular bed lay pushed against the wall adjoining which a small rickety door leading to an even smaller bathroom. My clothes lay spilling out my bags which were awkwardly pushed against the leg of the table lying parallel to the bed. A newly cleaned mirror hung on the wall and between the bed and the table there was hardly any space for me to walk around comfortably.

I sighed as I knocked my knee against the table leg only to be disheartened as I watched my face blur in the now cloudy mirror.

Yeah, things were not looking good.

Ma had called me before boarding the plane yesterday. She had sounded quite normal, as if relieved that I was no longer in the company of some boy, unchaperoned. I glanced at my wristwatch. She was probably in a taxi and was going to be here any moment now.

Hurriedly slurping up the nearly cooked noodles, I forced the suitcase shut and heaved it out the door not bothering to getting rid of my remaining noodles. The house keeping, provided this place did have something of the sort, would be more than obliged to do that for me.

Dragging the bags out one at a time, I somehow managed to push them all into a waiting elevator, before getting in myself. The elevator dinged noisily as I reached the Reception. Turning in the key to my room, I made my way outside.

It was mid-December already and the wind was biting cold. Breathing through my mouth, I waited as I watched my hot breath disappear into nothingness. A car hurtled down the street. I could immediately see the face of a very excited Karthik pressed against the misty window as he waved at me enthusiastically. Smiling, I waved back as he mouthed my name. The car came to a smooth halt right in front of me and the driver stepped out to help me with the bags. That done, I thanked the man and clutching my parka quickly got into the backseat where Karthik waited for me eagerly, his little, bony arms outstretched, ready to tackle me with a warm bear hug.

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