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My previous period was empty so I had decided to come to English Lit. class a bit early.

It didn't hurt to be on time every once in a while, did it?

God, Mira's punctuality was really getting to me.

I'd be lying if I said that I hadn't been awaiting English class just in the hope that I would see Mira.

It was crazy the things she made me feel. For instance this morning when she sat behind me and wrapped her arms around me, my breath hitched. I'd be damned if I say that I didn't like her touch. And the way she smelled was really driving me crazy. One whiff and I knew that she had showered using the luxury soap that I had gifted her and I don't know why it made me so freaking happy.

And to add to my suffering she was wearing a baggy top that showed off her flat belly every time the wind blew.

Yeah yeah, I was certainly out of my mind.

I walked into the class and took my seat, ignoring the awed stares and whispered talks that my early arrival was garnering. As always the girls were batting their eyelashes and the guys were glaring at me.

God, didn't they have other important things to do?

I raised my eyebrow as I saw a girl desperately trying to get my attention and taking pity when I smirked at her, she swooned as if she was gonna faint.


Because that was creepy. I mean I knew I was hot and drop dead gorgeous and could have any girl within the blink of an eye but I have to admit that it did get a bit tedious with all the chicks falling over you.

They were all the same. The same skimpy clothes, the same false eyelashes and fake crimson smiles, the same makeup coated faces, the same annoying flicking of the hair and the same exaggerated sway of the hips as they walked away in their high heels making such an annoying sound that sometimes I wished to bang my head against the wall.

But Mira was different....unique. She wore decent, elegant clothes and I swear it turned me on. Way way more than any of those scantily dressed chicks ever could.
She had naturally long, dark eyelashes and a real, genuine dimpled smile that had my heart racing every freaking time. It was a shame that she didn't smile much.

She never wore any makeup and why would she when she had that gorgeous flawless, creamy skin. Skin that I longed to touch and she even smelled so good. Unlike the girls I had always known , she didn't smell as if she had been bathed in some artificial perfume. She always smelled so fresh, of meadows, sunshine , perfumed soap and strawberry shampoo.

My head snapped up as Mira entered the room and somehow the whole room went silent, or was it my imagination?

My gaze followed her as she made her way towards me. Taking the seat just next to me she smiled hesitantly at me and I found myself returning the gesture.

Although, I was quite disappointed when she didn't try to make any conversation and buried her head in her copy of Romeo And Juliet. I sighed and looked away flicking through the pages of the damn novel without really taking an interest in it.

Every other second I found my gaze involuntarily straying in her direction and there she sat next to me completely oblivious of the torture she was putting me through, her head still buried in her novel as she pushed her glasses upwards every ten seconds or so.

I had an impression that the glasses weren't for reading but I was too distracted as she bit her lip while she concentrated on her novel. Ironic, I know but I swear the way she bit her lip was such a huge turn on.

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