Chapter 36 | This Was My Home Turf.

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I was running late.

Yesterday's incident was so embarrassing for me that I had ran up to my room unable to face Dylan's family.

They knew that we were a thing.

Wait, did I just say that?

Yeah well, who was I kidding anyway? Even Alex knew that questions about us-I mean Dylan and I, embarrassed me. And I really didn't know what to be embarrassed more about...the fact that I'd dared to get involved with their infamous player of a son or that how we had been so totally discrete about it.


Groaning, I leaned my forehead against the cool mirror, my fingers drumming on the shiny granite shelf, in my dressing room.

I was so afraid of facing Rebecca. Wasn't this sort of a treachery on my part?

I had been invited to the Scott Estate to tutor Dylan and here I was doing anything but that. I couldn't even remember the last time I had made him study.

The last time he had actually sat across from me writing his assignments was what-almost about a couple weeks ago?

I sighed and looked in the mirror. I was neglecting my duties and I couldn't afford to do that. Not when his family was so kind to me.

Suddenly, my phone rang and my train of thoughts broke for a second. I grabbed the phone and it was Renee calling.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey oh, M," Renee replied in a sing-song voice.

"Yeah, okay. Hey oh, to you too." I chuckled slightly. "Why did you call? I'm running late."

"Yeah, about that. Actually, I called to see if you could come shopping with me today. Apparently, the Scotts are having a grand-ass Masquerade ball." She said excitedly.

"How do you know?" I asked confused. "Oh my God," I said suddenly, excitement creeping into my voice. "Were you invited too?"

"Well, nothing is official as of yet. Apparently, Dylan Delicious Scott told the guys and Ash told me that we were all on the guest list."

"That's so cool. I'd have something to hang around with. Gosh, I so didn't want to look like a pitiful loner at the ball." I said. "That's the best thing you've told me all morning, thanks," I said smiling widely.

"Um, but you'd have Dylan Delicious Scott even if I weren't there." Renee pointed out.

"Uh, he is not that great of a company, anyway and STOP CALLING HIM DELICIOUS!" I exclaimed. "It's not okay that he's already so good looking and now even you are fangirling over him." I groaned.

"Is that me, or do I think that you just got jealous?" Renee said smugly.

I blushed. Thank God, she couldn't see me.

"Pfft, no. No, I did not get jealous. Do not get ahead of yourself."

"Ha! suuurrre, M. Sure." I could practically feel Renee's smirk rubbing off on me through the phone.

"Can we come back to the point, Renee?" I said hurriedly. "Someone's getting late here."

"Yeah, right. So will you go?"


"Yeah, what else?"

"Okay. I'll go." I nodded to myself.



"By the way, you were so jealous. Don't think even for a second that I don't know that." Renee said playfully before the call disconnected.

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