Chapter 15 | No More Sorrys

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"Did you order yet?" I directed Dylan with a questioning glance as he slid into the cozy booth we currently occupied.

"Yeah." He nodded, grinning as his knees smacked against mine. The booth was a bit too snug to accommodate his long legs. "Seems like we are a bit short on space. I hope the dessert makes up for it." He added smoothly, throwing me a charming smile.

"It's fine," I smiled back. "I don't really mind the cramped sitting as long as the brownies are as good as you say."

An amused expression lit up Dylan's face as his legs came to rest comfortable between mine underneath the table, our knees touching constantly. "You sound extremely eager for someone who didn't want to come here in the first place." He chuckled, his eyes crinkling around the corners as the side of his mouth lifted up in a beautiful smile.

I didn't fight the smile that consequently made its way onto my face. "I have your first class pestering skills to thank for, to manage to bring me out here." I teased

"Uh, that's where you're wrong, niña." He quipped. "I'd like the credit to go to my first class skill of persuasion instead." He smirked. "Don't you think?"

I scoffed at his vainglorious reply. He was sure good at blowing his own horn, except he wasn't really lying when he boasted. Dylan was one of the most dangerously persuasive people I'd ever met. The fact that he could make me fall for his words and drag me out here against my will and still make it seem like we were here by mutual consent, was a perfectly pertinent example of his skills.

But of course, I couldn't let him win this argument especially when he'd started it first. Talking me into wandering around the town with him and then insinuating that it was me who was eager, this boy was dealing his best cards.

I wasn't a bad player either. Two could play this game.

"I assume the mentioned skills of persuasion are the same ones you use to get into the pants of your so-called friends." I smiled sweetly, making sure he couldn't hear the resentment in my voice.

Of course, I was aware of Dylan's experiences with the opposite sex in the past...maybe he was continuing his 'no strings attached' lifestyle even in the present, but to openly acknowledge the fact was still somewhat upsetting.

The way his family kept on hinting about his rakish ways only strengthened my assumption that he wasn't one to be secretive about his love life. If he'd been the sort who kept his behaviour in check and his habit of sleeping around under the wraps, Alex wouldn't have known about the girls that must have frequented the Scotts' place before my arrival.

Dylan's smile faltered a little as my comment sunk in. An awkward silence prevailed as we stared at each other. He seemed to be at a loss for words as if he'd never expected me to put my knowledge of his promiscuous past into actual words.

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