Chapter 10| I Am Not A Nerd.

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As we neared Dylan's house my mouth nearly fell open.

It wasn't just a house.

It was a freaking gigantic palace-like house in a freaking huge estate.

A gilded gold name plate beside the huge iron gates proudly displayed the name, 'Scott Estate'.

I silently opened and closed my mouth, unsure of what to say as the doors slid open automatically after Dylan had pressed his palm onto what seemed like a fingerprint scanner and we drove in.

''You didn't tell me you were so filthy rich.'' I exclaimed.

"Neither did you tell me that you were basically homeless." He said still annoyed that I didn't tell him.

For chrissake, I didn't even know him.

But still, he looked cute when he was annoyed and to know that he cared even though he barely even knew me, gave me a warm, fuzzy feeling inside.

Of course when I say cute I mean incarnation of the devil himself.

Dylan opened the passenger door for me and after I was standing on the ground, safe and sound (hey that rhymed), he drove off to park the car, leaving me standing alone in front of his gigantic mansion like some girl who has lost her way in a desert.

Haha, bad joke I know.

Soon I saw Dylan coming towards me. He smiled and nodded at the chauffeur as he wished Dylan a good day.
Hang on, did Dylan just smile at him, like a real genuine smile?

Oh my god someone please call 911, before I die of hyperventilating.

He reached me and gestured me to come along."Don't worry the luggage will be taken care of." He drawled.

"Yeah, okay." I said carefully. I was still unsure of what to say. Moreover I was extremely nervous at the idea of meeting Dylan's parents and what I was gonna say to them. I mean nobody in their right state of mind would tolerate that their teenage son comes home with a girl, not a pretty one but a girl nevertheless.

Holy Jesus, I was going to have to do some real explaining.

The door was opened as soon as we had rung the bell as if we were being expected.

Well not exactly we, but Dylan. I was definitely going to be quite an unexpected guest for the Scotts.

We came face to face with an extremely pretty blonde who didn't look much more than 20 years of age with her hair in a sleek ponytail and a black and red uniform.

Wait, Dylan didn't say that he had such pretty people at his home to open the doors.

"Welcome home , master Dylan. " she greeted us warmly with a smile."I will immediately inform madam of your arrival." She said with a quick curious glance in my direction as I smiled uncertainly at her.

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