Chapter 42 | Back Off.

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I was having a blast.

Apparently, attending masquerade balls with a hot date, a hot girlfriend and a hot date of the girlfriend was my thing. Of course, the hot friends of my hot date were an icing on the cake.

The evening couldn't get better.

"Mira, did you try these sherbet lemons?" Renee extended one towards me, her eyes shining with laughter. "They are so amazing, they just melt in your mouf." She slurred.

I rose an amused eyebrow at her boyfriend Ash who had spent the whole evening stalking behind us, afraid that some lowlife would try to make a move on his beautiful girlfriend who was dressed especially nice tonight. I shot Dylan a mild look of annoyance, to which he responded with a signature silly smirk of his. Although my boyfriend was no different than him, I could not blame Ash for being so protective. Renee was looking stunning tonight. Her hair was surprisingly a natural brown shade and was left open in loose waves that framed her face.

The red dress was doing wonders for her slim body. She looked girly, way more approachable than she usually come off as. It was as if her overall personality had been softened up a little. And the fact that she was already more than a little drunk, didn't help her situation with Ash either.

"Stop it," I whacked away Dylan's hand that was trying to sneak into my hair. The whole evening, he had followed me around, trying to get me to let down my hair.

He said it looked better that way.

But I knew he wanted me to cover myself up.

Boys and their pointless jealousy.

"But why?" He whined. "It looks be-"

I pressed my finger to his lip, eyeing him fixedly. "No. It. Does. Not." I said slowly, as if trying to convince an elementary school kid. "Stop trying to mess with my hair unless you want me to go around looking like an ostrich danced in my hair."

"Yes, that'd be much better. You'd look cute that way." He replied. "You looking hot is too much work."

"Uh huh." I gave him a deadpan look. "That totally makes sense because I asked you to work so hard trying to obscure my view and others' as well." I retorted sarcastically.

Honestly, I was kind of enjoying having someone fuss over me all the time but of course, I wasn't going to tell him that.

"No, you didn't." Dylan admitted. "Actually on second thoughts, you looking cute also would be too much of a hassle." He looked pained at the realisation. "Guess I have no option but to continue following you around." He shrugged.

I shrugged in response as well. "Do as you wish." I steered away from him and spotting Rebecca, headed over to her. Dylan followed, much to my satisfaction and annoyance.

"If I were you, I'd prefer to keep my hair down." He shouted from behind, trying to catch up.

Tongue-in-cheek, I replied. "It wouldn't go with the dress."

How superficial.

I picked up my pace. Rebecca was less than a hundred meters away.

"I'd still prefer-"

I turned around to look at him as he made his way through the dancing couples.


"But-" He was almost catching up.

I broke into laughter as he tried to grab my arm. "No." I barely managed to twist out of his reach and ran.

Oh, this was so much fun. Keeping Dylan on his toes was fast becoming my most favourite thing to do next to spending time with him. It was just as cheesy as it was romantic but I wasn't going to change my ways anytime soon.

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