Chapter 44 | You Bet.

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I woke up to a piercing pain in my legs. Glancing downwards, I smiled as I saw Mira's leg sprawled over my legs, her body nestled against mine. Shifting slightly, I carefully freed my arm from underneath her and slid it under her head which was previously resting on my chest.

Every slight change in her breathing made me jump as my eyes flitted over to her face. Her makeup from last night was shining all over her face-smudged but still very obviously there. I cursed myself for not noticing that the night before. Considering it had stayed so long, it surely could do a heck lot of damage to Mira's skin. The thought made me bolt upright as I carefully but not so smoothly retracted my arm from under Mira's head and all but jumped out of the bed.

Yep, it was time to get some makeup-removing done. Slipping into my fluffy white bunny slippers-an ever embarrassing birthday gift from Valerie-I threw a rushed glance at the digital clock sitting on Mira's bedside table and relaxed a little. It was only half-past eight. The party had been wrapped up pretty late last night. There was no way anyone was going to be up before late noon.

Trudging over to her vanity, rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, I quietly went through her makeup drawers hoping to find some wipes. I was pretty sure we had gotten her some of those when we had went out for shopping. Repressing a yawn, I shook my head and pulled open a slightly larger drawer, in hope of finally finding the makeup wipes.

And though I did find them, it wasn't the first thing that caught my eye.

Instead, it was a small wooden frame tucked along the side of the drawer. Biting my lip, not wanting to invade her privacy, I quickly trapped the packet of wipes and shut the drawer close. After about a minute of milling about her vanity, my curiosity finally got the best of me and I found myself reopening the drawer. Retrieving the picture, I mulled over actually turning it over and looking at it but again, I just couldn't help myself. There were no pictures of Mira in this room and she rarely ever talked about her family. So, I turned it over and looked. My eyes widened. I tried to resist the smile that was threatening to spill upon my lips but it was just so cute.

There was probably a seven or eight year old, very cute, dimpled Mira, smiling and kissing a small infant against a very pink background, as if the picture had been taken in her bedroom and there was a beautiful, young woman sitting by there side, smiling. I grinned when I saw Mira's bright pink Hello Kitty frock and wellies.

Her obsession with Hello Kitty certainly wasn't new.

Not trying to refrain the silly smile forming on my face, I tiptoed over to where Mira lay. Resisting the urge to snicker, I looked at her unaware, sleeping face. I could practically see the devil dancing across my head. My eyes twinkled. I had just the right thing to tease her about when she woke up.

But for now, it was time to get down to business. Silently, putting down the frame, I got down onto my knees beside the bed. Snatching a wet makeup wipe out of the packet, I carefully slid it across her forehead and cheeks. Thankfully, she didn't budge. The major part done, I grabbed another wipe and proceeded to wipe off the makeup from her t-zone.

Gosh, this stuff smelled pretty nice.

Here came the difficult part. Her lips and the eyes. Crossing my fingers, I took the wipe and slid it across her shimmery golden eyelids in soft, fluid motions trying to go as slow as I could. A little extra rubbing and all the black stuff came off as well. Eyeing her for any trace of disturbance I heaved a sigh of relief. Stubborn eye makeup out of the way, it was time to tackle the most difficult part, her lips.

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