Chapter 46| Don't Forget To Breathe.

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As expected, it did not sit well with my mother that I had a boyfriend. In her defence though, it was the last thing she expected while sending off her only daughter to a faraway country, away from herself, to a new and foreign world.

Regardless of the trust, the crystal clear record and the strength of character I had maintained all these years, I could hear her belief in me shaking as she had looked at me disappointed.

Her words laced with doleful reproach rang in my ears. "This is not what you were supposed to do, Mira! Do you have any idea what you've done?"

I tossed and turned in my sheets. I was not going to the University tomorrow. The idea of an unmarried, single girl living under the same roof with a boy her age, even if he was living with his parents and not alone, was too much of an indecorous thing for my considerably conservative mother to live with. According to her, my actions these past couple of months lacked extremely in propriety and were utterly unbefitting of a girl who had been brought up in such a protective and orthodox environment. It was time for me to look for a new place.

A new home.

The University dorms were still undergoing construction so there was absolutely no way I could move into those anytime soon. Claude's was out of question as well. I certainly did not want to go to a place where majority of the footfall was accredited to young, riotous teens and drunk people who couldn't differentiate a server from a stripper. Yes, I had had just enough of their dirty leering gazes and stupid catcalls.

Prompted by this unprecedented and uncalled for incident in my life, my mother was finally flying to the States. If she were to be believed, all of Karthik's school transfer paperwork was going to be done within the next week and then both her and Karthik would be here in California with me.

She said she was going to access the situation.

But I knew. I knew, that even if she had my best interests in her heart, it was going to be a rocky ride for Dylan and me.

Flinging the covers off my body, I got up and slipped on my nightgown. My night clothes were too flimsy for me to be seen in. Silently closing the door behind me, I knocked lightly on Dylan's bedroom door. It was flung open the next instant as if he had already been waiting for me.

Stepping in, I shut the door and looked back at a very frazzled looking Dylan. His hair was poking out in all the weird directions as if he'd been dragging his hands roughly through it, almost as if he had been pulling them. Although, I did not expect that sort of a level of anxiety from Dylan, the change from his usual perfectly styled or his sexy bed head was unnerving. Chuckling under my breath, I pulled a few strands of his hair down and caressed them into place, enjoying the familiar softness under my fingertips. His fingers closed around my wrist gently as he gazed down at me, his expression unreadable.

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