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I woke up to a slight ache in my neck and a very bright sun shining right above me.

I blinked. Once. Twice. Thrice.

I was not in my room, clearly because there was no bed, no curtains, no exquisite decor and most importantly no purple and gold colour.

All that was there was a wide, grey tiled roof, a blanket that now covered the lower half of my body and a boy.


Why in the world was I sleeping next to a guy!?!

I turned my head slightly to get a better look at the sleeping guy's face which was currently hidden by a very muscular arm, shielding his face from the direct sunlight that was falling upon us.

Dear god, what did I do to deserve to be in this kind of a situation? I thought warily and tried to get up but I was yet to receive one of the biggest shocks in my life.

My eyes were still adjusting to the light as I squinted to find that my arm was lying across the chest of the guy and he had his arm crossed over my arm holding it firmly in place. I could feel the rise and fall in his chest as he breathed and his rapid heart beat.

He did not have any blanket covering him. I looked towards my legs again. The blanket had been doubled up and was covering me alone.

I was afraid to move my arm from under his arm so I lifted my head a little. I was sleeping with my head on his chest!!


The events from last night came rushing back to me and it was then that I realised that it was Dylan I was sleeping next to or rather I should say, I was sleeping upon.

But what in the name of Lord was I doing here sleeping on a roof with Dylan, with my arm around him and my head on his chest?

Groaning, I tried to dislodge my arm from under his trying to move as less as possible.

I could imagine the various scenarios that I would have to face, were I to be found with Dylan in this condition.

And worst of all, I knew that if Dylan found me sleeping with him, he would never let me hear the end of it. Never.

And of course there was Renee to think of. If she came to know about this, she just won't shut up. And news spread like wildfire in Stanford. I would literally be doomed for life. Not that I had any problem with Dylan but I had a reputation to uphold, a standard to maintain and rules to live by.

And also I was afraid that this little escapade would prove more harmful to his reputation than to mine. I was the ' little-miss-not-so- popular ' whereas he was the most popular and looked up to guy in the university.

He wouldn't want people to know that a miss good-for-nothing, stupid know-it-all was staying at his house.

That would just be so humiliating for him. Just like me, he had a reputation to uphold too.

Shaking my head to get rid of all the thoughts, I began moving a little. My arm was still stuck under Dylan's arm. I was just thinking about giving an almighty tug when I felt him stir in his sleep.

My breath caught in my throat and my heart picked up pace. Then all of a sudden Dylan turned and my eyes widened as I felt his arm wrap around my waist. I opened my mouth and closed it silently, too stunned to speak anything as his arm tightened around my waist pulling me closer to him.

What was I going to do?

I watched as he tossed and turned trying to get comfortable and finally settled down again with my head under his chin. He smelled so good, like cologne and sunlight.

Across Boundaries (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now