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"God, why is it so hard to impress Mira!?" I groaned running my hands through my hair as I glanced critically at my reflection in the mirror before me.

It had taken me longer than usual to choose my outfit this morning and finally after lots of deliberation I had decided to wear a maroon button down, a gift from my mother.

It was one of my favourite shirts but looking in the mirror, I felt kinda double minded about it.

What if Mira didn't like it?

What if she didn't like maroon?

Was the undone button a bit too much?

Would she like the shirt tucked or untucked?

Was the shirt too plain?

My mind was bursting with questions and that was driving me crazy.

No matter how hard you try Scottie boy, she won't notice you. The voice in my head stated slyly.

My brain really needed to stop sassing me.

"I don't need to impress anyone. I'm Dylan Scott. People beg for my attention and not the other way around." I muttered fiercely, trying to convince myself as I stalked out of my room.

But my heart knew better.

It knew that I was dying to get Mira's attention. It knew that I wanted Mira to take her nose out from her books for once and look around.

Honestly, she needed to get a life and I did not mean this in an insulting way either. She was way too much into her uni work and was way too preoccupied with her books. And I wasn't complaining either. When she chewed her lip when she studied, her glasses perched on the top of her nose and the way her brows furrowed as she twirled her pencil with her slender fingers, it really was a sight worth watching.

But she needed to live a little, let go for a change and be whatever she wanted to be.

I sure has hell wasn't going to pull her down. The girl was meant to fly and I wasn't gonna chain her up or hold her back, afterall I knew that I too desired a taste of her freedom.

I too craved a sweet taste of her happiness as she discovered the treasures of joy and liveliness.

And I knew, she wanted it too had it not been for her past pulling her down everytime she dared try to spread her wings and soar.

Somewhere inside her, Mira was hurting and the thought made me seethe with rage. How could a father be so cruel to his own children?

It was insensitive and inhumane especially with a child as Mira.

Mira was an angel. Sure she could be an over infuriating, annoying, sarcastic little know-it-all but she was a gorgeous woman, sweet and innocent. Who would want to hurt someone so precious, so pure?

Some piece of shit, of course.

And what kind of a man hit women? That was cowardly and so fucking unmanly.

Mira's father was a sissy and I was going to rip his throat out if I ever saw him. That nasty bastard.

I didn't know how angry I was until I felt myself roughly shoving my shirt sleeves up my arms and a shock of sudden pain coursed through my arm. I had cut myself a little with the keys I had been holding in my hand.

I realised that she influenced me. A lot. My thoughts were always occupied with her and lately the effect she had on me was getting way too much and however hard I tried, it was going to take me down and under with it.

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