Chapter 49 | That You Love Me...

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"Dude, you look ghastly pale." Ash intercepted me mid-corridor and I was forced to come to a sudden stop as I felt two hands pushing me down playfully. I turned around to reveal a grinning Chase. "Don't bother, Dylan. The dude's just jealous." He jerked his chin towards Ash who stood in front off me, casually leaning against the stone wall.

"Am I right, Ashey?" Chase stuck out his tongue, taking a jibe at Ash's name.

Had this been a different situation, I'd have laughed up a riot at his pun but right now, I just wasn't in the mood.

Pushing Chase's hand off my shoulder, I tried to take a step ahead but was met with Ash's piercing glare. I sighed. I really wasn't in the mood. Hardening my expression, jaw ticking, I glared back.

"I don't want to talk right now."

"But-" I silenced him with a gesture off my hand. Chase interpreting my emotions, wisely enough, chose to stay quiet and let Ash do the talking. He was never one to be on the receiving end of my anger anyway.

"You're not moving?" I asked curtly. Ash refused to budge. Sighing, I started to make my way around him but his grip on my arm stopped me.

"Mira's back." He quipped softly as if letting me in on a secret. "She was with Renee this morning."

I cringed inwardly. Why did he have to say that in Chase's presence? Regardless of the fact that Chase was my friend, it was not unknown to me that he was a complete tattletale. Nothing ever remained a secret if Chase knew about it. He was the sole treasury of all gossip and rumours in the University.

And, I had only ever told Ash about the whole incident of me and Mira deciding to separate upon her mother's insistence. Being the extremely extroverted guy that I was, I didn't really have the tendency of being secretive. I generally was habitual of letting the guys in on all of my thoughts and emotions. The guys knew me in and out but this time, I just wanted to talk to someone with a similar mindset as mine. Needless to say, Ash was the man I placed all my hopes upon. I wanted to keep this a secret but as soon as Chase's expressions morphed into those of understanding, I could feel my hopes crashing.

"Am I missing something?" Chase chose the exact moment to chime in and I facepalmed myself inwardly. Gesturing desperately with my eyes, I signalled Ash to explain everything to Chase. I really couldn't have him coming up with senseless theories of his own, especially not where it my love life on stake.

Shrugging off Ash's hand, I walked off, my steps quickening as I broke into a run. For now, I had much more important issues to deal with.


I saw Mira sitting by herself on a tree stump just outside her Biology class. My pace reduced to a slow jog as she came into view, glasses on and legs swinging idly. As expected, she was boring into a thick volume that rested beside her on the bench as she bent over it awkwardly, trying to note something down.

Of course, what else was to be expected from a girl like her.

A girl like her.

I hadn't ever met a girl quite like her.

I shuddered at the thought of the skin exposure she'd be risking had she been wearing something short and thanked my lucky stars that she was in a pair of baggy formal pants instead of a dress.

I had been very anxious when she hadn't shown up the first two days, but looking at her now my anxiety seemed to be vanishing gradually. It was almost as if I could feel her mellow, fruity scent engulfing me again.

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