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I couldn't believe that I thought Dylan could hurt me. I was such a fool. I should have known that he may be a very obnoxious boy with an ego the size of Asia but he wasn't bad of heart. He would never hurt me like that. I should have trusted him and shouldn't have ignored him like that.

As I got ready for bed, my mind was in a frenzy. It had been almost twenty five minutes since Dylan had left, yet he was all I could think of, and how I had hurt him. He looked so angry to see me running away. Guess, I always a coward, running away from problems rather than facing them head on.

I don't know what possessed me as I was removing the third last layer of clothes on my body, because I just ran outside my room and knocked at Dylan's bedroom door.

I had to explain and tell him that although he had hurt me, I had overreacted in a way that I should not have.

Also, I had to clear my head. I was looking for answers. Although I knew that it was his words that hurt me most, yet I could not deny the stinging feeling that I had felt in my heart as if someone was suffocating me, the moment I saw him kissing the blonde girl. I was never going to disclose this to him but I knew that I was a bit shocked almost...jealous!! when I saw them together.

Oh no.

I had no idea why I felt that way, and I had to find out. It wasn't normal for me to feel so unloved and lonely all because I saw a boy who wasn't even my boyfriend, kissing some other girl. And I hated this feeling, I hated it!

The door opened three minutes later and I jumped. I guess I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't pay attention to when the door opened.

Dylan's head popped out," What-?" He began in a very sleepy tone but his eyes widened when he saw me. It was clear, he wasn't expecting me to be knocking at his door at this time of the night.

"Hi." I said stupidly, not knowing what else to say.

Oh boy, I really needed to work on my conversation skills.

"Princess? What are you doing here at this time of night? Is everything alright." He said rubbing his eyes and stifling a yawn with one hand as he opened the door wide enough for me to enter.

"Yes, everything is alright. I-I just uh um...nothing." I said cringing, as I started having second thoughts.

Why couldn't I just say that I wanted to talk to him?

"I-I am sorry to wake you." I said nervously as I turned around to go back to my room, face palming myself mentally.

God knows, what I was thinking. Going to a guy's room in the middle of the night like that.

I must be going crazy.

But Dylan was not to let me go so easily. Before I could even take a single step further, I felt myself being pulled back roughly as I collided against a rock hard chest.

Of course, to add to all my troubles, Dylan had to be shirtless. I cringed inwardly at the pathetic condition I was in.

I closed my eyes out of awkwardness or rather I should say embarrassment.

Here he was in all his shirtless glory with messy bed hair, looking incredibly gorgeous and I on the other hand...well pffft.
Don't even get me started about how I looked in comparison to him.

If he was a god, I was a puny mortal.

I opened my eyes and glanced down at his hands at my waist, gentle but firm; expertly holding me to him.

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