Author's Note

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Before I start with the first chapter, I would like to address a few things.

1) This is my first fanfic so please go easy on me.

2) I don't really know much about the books since I have only read American Assassin so if the character's story in this book doesn't relate to the storyline in the original books then that's the reason

3) The plot of this story will be different from the original American Assassin plot, because this is love story which again makes this story completely different from the original books

4) The characters traits will be different from  the original book characters because again this is a Mitch Rapp love story which means it'll show a little softer side of him

5) I should've started this story after 3 weeks because I have my final exams coming up but I don't know why but today I just decided to write this because I've had this idea since a week now, so since I have finals coming up I won't be able to post the chapters frequently. After my exams get over I'll keep posting new chapters

6) And lastly, if you like this story, even the prologue, please leave comments or votes so I know that people are reading and like it which will motivate me to write more chapters and to finish this story or else what's the point of writing new chapters if no one will like it. So please leave some feedback :)

Thanks guy!


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