Chapter 38

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"Are you sure he is not coming here?" Mitch spoke through his phone

"Yeah that's what these men are saying. Sayyed's orders are for us to come to Beirut on the first flight, which is in three hours." Aayat spoke from the other line.

"Well his funds are drained so he doesn't have people supporting him now to steal the Russian weapon." He said

He was in Starbucks getting coffee, more like he was in Starbucks so he could talk to Aayat without anyone watching him and certainly not in front of the team.

"Yeah Sayyed isn't really popular amongst the businessmen who were funding him these days which means he is at his weak point now and you guys have a perfect chance to take him out." Aayat said

"We do but I think its time to tell about you to the team Aayat." Mitch said

There was no sound from the other line for a few seconds.

Then Aayat spoke up in a tensed voice "I don't know about this Mitch."

He sighed "I know you are worried but sooner or later they will find out. It's better for them to find out from me than from someone else. Besides if I tell them about Sayyed's location, they will obviously question me how did I know."

"Mitch if you think that this is the right time to let them know then go ahead, I trust you" She said, still tensed.

"Hey, everything will be okay I promise. If there's one thing you should know about me, is that I'm a man of my words. I keep my promises Catwoman", he teased.

He heard her chuckle from the other line and smiled "Okay I trust you to keep your promise Batman." She teased

Mitch smiled and his eyes fell on his watch.

He realized it was getting late "I have to go now Aayat. I told Hurley that I was getting them coffee from Starbucks which is just 10 minutes away from the safe house and I've been gone for almost 40 minutes now." He explained as he prepared to leave the coffee shop.

"Oh okay then I'll talk to you later," she said, he could hear the sadness in her voice.

"I love you" he said, pouring every emotion into his voice.

She giggled "I love you too",

Mitch felt his cheeks getting flushed at her words, he could never get used to her saying that.

He disconnected the call and headed for the safe house.


"I think we are just wasting our time here when we should really be heading for Beirut." Mitch said

Mitch gathered the team in the living room and explained their next move.

"And why should we be heading for Beirut?" Hurley asked

Now here comes the difficult part, Mitch thought to himself

"Because Sayyed is in Beirut"

"Woah how do you know Sayyed is in Beirut?" Richard asked

"There is a mole in the Islamic Jihad that is helping us." Mitch finally said

"A mole?" Rupert asled

"Yes a mole" Mitch said, not meeting Rupert's eyes, he continued "she is helping us—" Hurley interrupted "This mole is a she?"

"Uh-yeah she said that Sayyed is in Beirut and isn't planning on coming to Ankara now. He is going to do something in Beirut and we need to stop him." Mitch explained

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