Chapter 21

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Director Thomas Stansfield had called for a board meeting.

"You all are aware that the UN Meeting takes place next week in Russia. There is a file in front of each one of you. Its everything you need to know about this meeting."

Mitch opened the file, which was placed in front of him and scanned through it. He was going back to his old self. He had to now because Kennedy seems to be prying on him and the last thing he wanted was anyone finding about what happened in Istanbul.

Mitch didn't want a terrorist to be the reason of his misery. He didn't want to lose his edge and soften up. Which is why after the UN Meeting, he will start going back to field operations again.

He had learnt his lesson; love is nothing but a weakness. After everything that happened with Aayat, Mitch didn't think he could ever fall in love again.

"Rapp, Are you listening?" His train of thoughts were interrupted by Stansfield.

"Yeah I'm listening" he replied

Stansfield nodded as he continued speaking again.


"Everyone understood the plan" Sayyed asked his men.

"Understood" they all shouted

"I suggest you all to train to your highest level for this. One of the CIA agents, Mitch Rapp, took out 20 of our men in Istanbul. Now he may look like a college kid but do not underestimate him or any of the other agents."

The men nodded. Aayat quietly stood next to Sayyed with her arms crossed, he continued, "You all must listen to whatever Aayat says, after all she is the one who came up with this plan. I have been waiting for this opportunity for quiet awhile now. The UN Meeting, where all the nations gather together. They should all know that we cannot be taken down no matter what they do. Which is why we cannot afford to have any mistakes in this...." He trailed off

Aayat wasn't even listening anymore. She was thinking about the UN Meeting. She knew Mitch was going to be there and frankly speaking, she didn't know how she was going to face him. Especially after everything they had been through.

She was aware of that fact that the next time they fight, he wouldn't fight her as an assassin fighting a terrorist.

"If I ever see you again, I will kill you"

He would fight her with a personal grudge he had against her.

In her defense, her intention was never to make him fall for her. She didn't think that was possible.

After their first dance, when he started avoiding her, she was afraid that he found out the truth about her. But then she thought that if he found out the truth then he wouldn't avoid her, he would've stormed in her apartment and put a bullet in her head.

It was then she understood, that maybe, just maybe, he had realized his feelings for her.

If she was being honest, she had started to develop feelings for him as well. When she was with him, she could be herself. She could laugh and smile, something which she couldn't do when she was under Sayyed's shadow.

A part of her hoped that it was true. That he did have feelings for her but a part of her hoped it wasn't true. She didn't want to complicate her mission with all these emotions.

She was surprised when he had texted her to meet him at the park and the events that followed at the park, her breaking down about her father in front of him, their almost kiss, that was all natural. She hadn't planned to do any of that.

That moment if she hadn't pulled away, they would've kissed. But Aayat couldn't let that happen.

She knew he had fallen for her and she was overcome with guilt. Making him fall for her was not a part of the plan.

And also having mutual feelings was definitely not a part of her plan either

Aayat had fallen in love with Mitch Rapp as well.

When they were at the power plant and when he had asked her
"I just want to know one thing from you. What I saw in your eyes, was that a lie?"

She replied with a heavy heart
"I was just doing my job and nothing else."

She saw the pain that flashed across his face at her words.

But she didn't have a choice. She couldn't betray Sayyed. Especially after everything he has done for her since childhood.

She had to accept the reality.

Aayat and Mitch were enemies.

And once an enemy, always an enemy.

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