Chapter 34

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"Mitch we have to go" Aayat said as she tried to get out of his grasp

"No" he whined as he held her tighter

They were cuddling on the bed. After their discussion in the living room, they went for a walk on the beach. When Aayat asked him more questions about what he was planning, he hushed her saying that he didn't want to waste the little time they had by talking about all that.

Aayat nodded in understanding and they spent the rest of the day getting to know each other more and of course, making out.

It was nighttime and Aayat had been trying to get out of the bed for 30 minutes now but Mitch would just whine and hold her tighter without even bothering to open his eyes.

She chuckled at his childishness. Its not everyday you get to see this side of Mitch Rapp and not everyone is lucky enough to see it.

His phone started ringing and even though he was awake, he didn't look at it.

"Mitch your phone." She nudged

"It'll stop ringing", he simply said, not wanting to deal with anything at the moment

Few minutes later it started ringing again.

"Just check who is it" he motioned her

She picked up the phone "Its Hurley"

Mitch groaned in annoyance and answered the call.

"What" he asked

"Rapp why didn't you answer my call?" Hurley yelled

"I was in the shower." Mitch lied

"Okay listen, did you finish your assignment?" Hurley asked referring to Uzuner

"Yes its done" Mitch said, trying to end the call as soon as possible.

"Good, our work here is done as well" Hurley said

"Great" Mitch responded, unenthusiastically.

The line was silent for a few seconds before Hurley spoke up "Yeah so we are on our way to Ankara now, we should be there in around 3 hours or so"

"Okay I'll see you then" Mitch hung up before Hurley could even respond.

Mitch sat up and so did Aayat, "I don't want to go" he sadly said.

She offered him a sympathetic smile "Me neither but we have to"

He had such a painful look on his face that Aayat couldn't help but kiss him. He melted into the kiss and lifted her, placing her on his lap as he held her tight. They stayed like that for a few minutes before she pulled away and kissed his forehead "Come on, lets get ready".

They both got out of bed to get ready.

30 minutes later, they both sat in the car and this time Aayat was in the passenger seat.

Mitch hadn't said anything ever since they got out of bed and Aayat knew why. She decided to lighten up the air "I still can't believe you pushed me in the trunk." She huffed. Mitch gave a small smile and sincerely apologized but didn't say anything after that.

Two hours later, they reached outside Uzuner's house. It was surrounded by those Crime Scene Do Not Enter tapes but thankfully no one was there at the moment. Aayat pointed to where her car was and Mitch parked in front of it.

Neither of them said anything because they weren't ready to accept this moment. This moment of departure.

Aayat took his hand in hers and squeezed it tightly, silently assuring him that everything is going to be okay.

Mitch looked at her and gave her a small smile "I'm not going to say goodbye"

"Me neither" she said

He leaned in and kissed her with so much passion and love as if this was the last time he would see her.

They slowly pulled away. She gave him a small peck and exited the car.

As she was walking to her car, she turned back and saw how broken he looked.

Aayat walked back towards him and went over to his side of the car. Due to the cold weather, the car window was a bit foggy.

She traced a big circle on the window with her index finger followed by two dots. Mitch looked up, confused by what she was doing. She then drew a curve on the window.

Aayat drew a smiley face on the window.

She smiled and placed her index finger on the center of the smiley face and silently motioned him.

Mitch placed his index finger to where hers was from his side of the car window and smiled.

For a while they stayed like that before reality hit them and they knew that they had to go their separate ways. For now.

Aayat walked back to her car and gave him a small wave before she sat in her car and drove off.

Few minutes later, Mitch gathered all his belongings including what he got from Uzuner's safe and went back to the BMW M7 which he drove to Uzuner's house and drove back to the house he was staying at in Ankara. 

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