Chapter 12

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"No no no no, how could I let this happen" Mitch groaned to himself as he paced around the apartment.
Rupert had gone to the university from where Shaikh graduated to find out some more personal details about him which is not there in his files. So Mitch was alone in the apartment.

After his big realization, he went straight to the apartment without even saying bye to Aayat or explaining his sudden actions like that.

He was cursing himself for everything that happened. Rupert even warned him not to develop any personal feelings in this mission over and over again but he didn't pay any heed to his warnings.

I became a CIA to bring justice to all those who have been victims of terrorist attacks. He thought. All those innocent people who lost their lives. How could I get so distracted from my mission and motives?

Mitch didn't think he was capable of falling in love again. He didn't think he could love anyone after Mary, Mary
He felt disgusted with himself. He betrayed her memory, he fell in love with another woman when Mary was suppose to be the love of his life.
Ever since Mary's death, Mitch became a stone. A ruthless stone. He spent all these years becoming this dark brooded person with a cold heart with only one goal, justice.
And then Aayat came in his life, bringing the light in his darkness.
She was able to melt his stone cold heart into a puddle with her warm smile and personality.
But he couldn't be with her, they were from two different world's. He couldn't drag her into his nightmare.

Mitch would've wrapped up this case confirming that Shaikh has nothing to do with Sayyed but because of the two terrorists that attacked him last night, he couldn't go back to America since that is a confirmation that Sayyed knows he and Rupert are here.

So he'll just have to avoid Aayat until he finishes his mission and heads back to America.

The next few days, Mitch was completely drowned in his work along with Rupert. They tried to get every intel they could get on Shaikh since he was the only suspect they had.
They followed Shaikh everywhere he went, on his investigations, the people he met with everyday.
Mitch and Rupert got information on every single person Shaikh met so as to get any leads.
In the past few days, Mitch had cut off all communications with Aayat.
Aayat left him dozens of missed calls, texts and voice mails but Mitch didn't answer any of them, no matter how painful it was to him.

One of the text that Aayat left him said "Asher, did I do something wrong?"
He was so tempted to reply to that. To tell her that her mistake was coming in his life and making him fall in love with her.

Rupert noticed the sudden change in his partner. Not only did Mitch cut off all communication with Aayat, but he also became the angry guy Rupert first met and honestly that made Rupert upset.

He really thought him and Mitch were becoming friends. Their constant taunts and playful nagging were something Rupert enjoyed with his partner but all those were gone. Mitch just talked to Rupert about work and nothing else.

The main thing that definitely didn't go unnoticed by Rupert was Aayat. His partner who seemed to have taken a liking to the brunette, whom he would find several excuses to meet, wouldn't even mention her name now and that was when he knew that his partner's sudden change in attitude had to do with Aayat.
And Rupert intended on confronting Mitch about this whether he likes it or not.

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