Chapter 18

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Mitch was back in his apartment.

He sat down on his bed with his head in his hands.
Few minutes later, Rupert walked in.

"Mitch what happened at the Nuclear Plant?" Rupert asked as he laid his eyes on Mitch
Mitch explained Rupert everything but he left out the part where the girl he fell in love with turned out to be a terrorist.
For some reason, he didn't want anyone to find out about Aayat being a part of Sayyed's gang.

"So you killed all of them?! But why? We could've interrogated them for info on Sayyed" Rupert exclaimed
"They wouldn't have said anything anyways and also I was really angry to consider that thought" Mitch muttered again as he started packing

"What about Aayat? Did you say your goodbyes" Rupert asked

"If I ever see you again, I will kill you"

"Yeah I said my goodbyes" Mitch replied still not looking at Rupert
He wanted to avoid this topic. He didn't want to talk about her to anyone ever.

"Okay well we should start packing, Stansfield orders are to come back to America as soon as possible and there is a flight to Virginia in 3 hours" Rupert announced
"Couldn't agree with you more" Mitch muttered. He just wanted to get out of Turkey right now. This place was suffocating him and haunting him.
Mitch opened his bag and started packing.



Mitch, Rupert and the rest of the Orion Team were having a meeting.
"Rapp I specifically told you this mission was pure observation. You wrecked half of Istanbul and had a massacre at the power plant. Your orders were just to see what was going on in the power plant. We were going to interrogate those men." Stansfield said, clearly annoyed

Mitch justified himself "You don't understand. The situation was really bad over there, it was either me or them"
Stansfield sighed "The cops have found all their bodies. I hope you didn't leave any trail Rapp"
"Of course not" Mitch said
"Submit your report and we'll plan our next move against Sayyed in the next few days" Stansfield said as he adjourned the meeting.

Everybody left the room. Mitch was the last one about to walk out but was stopped by Stansfield who now held a file "Rapp are you ready for your next mission?"
Mitch looked at Stansfield and said in a low voice "I'm a little tired from the field operation. If it's fine with you, I'd like to go on desk job for a few days" he said gloomily as he walked out of the room.

Stansfield was shocked at Mitch's words. Never had he thought he'd hear Mitch Rapp say those words. He never expected Rapp to go on a desk job willingly even if it is was just for a few days.
Stansfield decided to let it go for now and didn't push much on the topic.


Mitch was miserable. There was no denying that. He had a pretty simple routine. He'd wake up, go to work, sit in front of the computer screen, come back home at night, have dinner and go to bed.
But there wasn't even a minute when he wouldn't think about her.

The first time he met her

"Don't mind him, he's always in a hurry" spoke up Aayat

"Yeah well if me and my colleague don't get anything, we'll be fired" Mitch said

The time he taught her how to pronounce guacamole

"Its wah-cah-moe-lay"

She tried again "gua-cah-moe-lay"

"No no, its wah-cah-moe-lay" he said again

"wah-cah-moe-lay" she said

Their first dance, their first date.

He couldn't stop thinking about it. A tear rolled down his cheek as he recalled all those moments he spent with her.

He knew he was suppose to be mad, angry and furious. But right now he didn't have the strength nor energy to be in rage. He was heartbroken. He was in pain and he wondered if he would ever recover from this pain.

Mitch didn't even feel this much agony when Mary died because Mary didn't turn out to be a terrorist and make a joke out of his love.

Aayat filled his life with happiness and light, even if it was just for a little while.

She came in his life like a beautiful daydream but she turned out to be his ugliest nightmare.

Mitch was right after all. Some love stories just aren't meant to be.

Some love stories have wounds on them.

And this was a wound that could never heal.

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