Chapter 24

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"As you can see behind me the White House is completely burnt and crumbled. Many of the UN Representatives have died and many of them have been injured. Our sources tell us that the terrorist group who attacked and had a shoot out in Istanbul, Iran and Saudi Arabia are the ones behind this", the reporter said

Mitch switched off the television. He was getting ready for tonight.

He hacked all the CCTV cameras of the streets of Moscow to look for sightings of Sayyed and Aayat. He also went to those sights and interrogated the shops on all those streets for any details.

He went to a gun shop where both Sayyed and Aayat had visited and interrogated the shop owner.

Now of course Mitch couldn't go around, telling people he's a CIA Black Ops in order to persuade them to give him the information he needed. Instead he had to bribe the guy with 6000 Rubles ($100) for the info.

"Okay so his name is Ahmed Khan. He frequently comes here to buy weapons. The other day he was looking for a blunderbuss but we ran out of stock but he insisted that he wanted it somehow. So I told him that once it's here, I'll deliver it to him. Today evening I'm going to send of the guys from here to deliver it to this address he gave" the man showed Mitch the address on his computer screen.

He continued, "The girl didn't say much. But I gotta admit, she was hot" he smirked.

Mitch felt aggravated at his statement and glared at the man.

The man's smirk fell from his face and he cleared his throat "Umm yeah so that's all I know"

Mitch muttered "Okay" and left the shop.

Mitch now wore his jacket as he left his hotel room and went to the address which the gun shop owner told him where his salesman would drop the blunderbuss to Sayyed.

Mitch reached the address which turns out to be a residential building. He hid behind the bushes waiting for his target.

A van pulled up at the entrance of the building. It was the van of the gun shop since the side of the van said Trops Gun Shop.

The salesman wearing a uniform appeared in sight with a box in his hand. Mitch assumed that must be the gun.

The salesman handed the box to a man but he wasn't Sayyed. He must be one of Sayyed's men.

The man signed some paper which the salesman handed him and he left. Few minutes later the man walked towards a car and drove off.

Mitch quickly sat in the car which he rented and subtly followed the man.

Two hours later, the man finally parked in front of some abandoned building. Mitch kept a safe distance behind the man and few minutes later pulled up in front of the building. They were out of the city now.

Mitch entered the building, his fingers at the trigger of his gun.

He heard noises. It means this was their hideout. Soon a man showed up and shouted before charging at Mitch. Mitch shot the man in the head and he dropped dead.

He heard shouts and yells as several of them showed up now. Mitch quickly shot some of them while others also started shooting at him. Mitch hid behind a wall.

He quickly peeped in their direction and shot one of them.

He didn't have time to play hide and seek. Mitch took a chance and charged towards them, dodging all the bullets that they shot in his direction and he successfully shot all four of them.

Mitch started walking again and was again faced with at least five men. Mitch ran out of bullets but didn't have time to load them up so he just punched them and snapped their necks like how he did back in Istanbul.

Aayat heard all the shouts and screams. Her eyes widened in panic and she turned to Sayyed "He's here"

"We have to get out of here", Sayyed said to her, he continued "Stay here, I'll be right back".

Suddenly everything was silent, pin drop silence. Then she heard a loud sound. It was as if he was kicking every door open.

She didn't listen to Sayyed's instruction and instead made her way towards the top floor of the building

Aayat entered a room. She knew she won't be able to escape but she was ready for him. She was ready for this fight.

The door kicked open and she stood face to face with Mitch Rapp.

For a few seconds, none of them said anything. They just stared at each other.

Aayat took out her knife and Mitch took out his. They both charged towards each other.

Mitch dodged her attacks, he held her arm and twisted. She yelped out in pain as Mitch threw her against the floor. He stepped closer to her and she kicked him in the chest and punched him. Mitch punched her in the ribs and was about to punch her in the head but she ducked and sliced his abdomen. He stumbled a few steps back and hissed in pain.

After a few minutes of punching and slicing, Mitch stepped on a rope and 3 knives flew right on the back of his right leg. He hissed in pain and got on his knees.

Aayat came behind him and teased, "You need to be careful of your surroundings Mr. Rapp"

Mitch's face now reddened in anger. He then swiftly attacked her leg and she fell on the floor. He ignored the throbbing pain in his leg and yanked her by her hair and slammed her against the wall. He placed his knife at her throat.

"I told you that the next time I see you, I would kill you. Now I'm going to fulfill the promise I made to you", he said in a raspy tone.

Aayat tried to fight him but he had held her firmly against the wall.

She was looking up at him and he angrily looked at her. The only sound in the room was the sound of their heavy breathes. Their faces were inches away from each other. It reminded them both of the night of their first date when they were going to kiss. But this time he held her so close to him because he wanted to kill her. At least that's what he thought he would do.

He tightly held the knife against her throat. Small drops of blood started oozing from her throat. Just one move and she would be dead. But it was like someone had frozen his hands. He couldn't bring himself to slice her throat no matter how much everything inside of him was screaming to.

He then removed the knife and took a few steps back.

"Why did you lure me away from the White House? I would've died as well if you hadn't called. So why did you?" he asked in a hoarse tone

"I had my reasons", she quietly said as she looked down

"And are those reasons personal or something to do with your boss?" he asked again

"That's none of your business Mr. Rapp", a voice said from behind

Mitch turned back and saw whom the voice belonged to.

It was Sayyed.

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