The Beginning

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   The day had finally arrived, the Lannister family would welcome another baby into the world. They first welcomed twins, Jaime and Cersei, quickly followed by Tyrion. Unfortunately, when Tyrion was born their mother became gravely wounded by an unknown force, the force was also believed to be the reason Tyrion was born a dwarf.

It had been many moons since Lord Tywin and Lady Joanna Lannister had a child, after the injury Lady Joanna sustained during Tyrion's birth.

Years had passed without a new Lannister as Joanna was locked away from the world and her children to protect her from anything that might push the already fragile Lady to her death.

    Eventually Tywin believed she had been healed enough, and the people of Casterly Rock discovered that their lady was with a child. Everyone rejoiced and soon came the day Rose Lannister would join the world at last.

     "Push!" Screamed the maester to the lady who lied on the bed in pain. Joanna yelled and cried in pain with each contraction as she mentally cursed the child, but she couldn't wait to finally hold her child in her arms. The soothing voice of her husband doing little to calm her yells, as the baby took her time.

     "It's okay my lioness," Tywin whispered gently over the sound of his wife's pants and cries, "soon our little cub will join us, and this will have all been worth it."

    "Just a little bit more my lady," encouraged the maester, "she is almost here."

   Soon, the screams of Joanna were accompanied by the shrill cries of the child as she was brought into the horrid world.

   "My Rose..." Muttered the infant's mother before her eyes stilled, glossing over as the pain became to much for her to bare

    It took a moment before Tywin tore his eyes from his baby, that had been taken by the maester, to look at his wife with a bright smile. It took another moment for him to realize that she was dead.

    The cold stone halls of Casterly Rock were soon filled with the desperate and agonizing screams of Tywin Lannister as he rushed to hold the love of his life, her chocolate eyes that she shared with her new daughter still open in an empty haze.

     Holding her now lifeless body close to him as he cried over her, not noticing the maester enter the room with the littlest lion.

   "I'm sorry my lord, would you care to hold your babe?" The maester questioned.

    In his sorrow Tywin yelled unintelligibly at the maester, making the maester back away from the bed that held his wife. But his screams scared the littlest Lannister into tears of her own.

   "Let me hold her," Tywin demanded, the cries of his daughter pulling him out of his frenzy, "take my wife away."

   The maester passed the baby to his lord before exiting the room, in a few minutes men entered the room and carried out Lady Joanna. Trying to avoid the crying lord who held his infant close to his chest.

    "I will never let harm befall you my little cub," Tywin promised, gazing into the chocolate eyes of his innocent daughter, bringing tears to his own green eyes. "I love you, my sweetling. My little Rose."

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