The Feast

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       Rose couldn't wipe the smile off her face as she walked into the feast, hoping that she would see Jon again. But knowing of the Lannister family's mutual protectiveness, she doubted that they would have another deep conversation with the Stark bastard. 

      She was torn from her distracted daze by jolly laughing and awestruck staring from those in the room. Rose started to make her way across the room to the table at the head of the room, that her sister and Lady Catelyn are sitting behind, when she heard Sansa Stark calling her name.

     "Lady Rose. I was beginning to think you wouldn't show." Sansa's excited words stopped Rose in her path to the high table as she turned to face Sansa, Rose moving to sit in the open seat across from Sansa and her friend.

     "Sorry that it took me so long. I fell asleep and when I awoke, I got lost trying to find my way to the feast."

     "It's hard for even a Stark to find their way." Commented Robb, moving to sit at the open seat next to Rose. Upon the oldest Starks leave from his previous table, he was trailed by a boy with brown hair and a cocky smile that looked to be about Robb and Jon's age.

     "Already charming her Robb? The names Theon." Interrupted the man that had followed Robb, making Rose smile and nod in acknowledgement.

     "How old are you Rose?" Questioned Arya who also moved upon Rose's arrival, her fascination for the women in front of her growing steadily. She wanted to know more about the admirable lady turned warrior, and her sister's prodding wasn't going to stop Arya.

     "Seventeen." Rose answered her with a smirk, making them smile at her contagiously playful aura.

     "Robb and I are eighteen." Commented Theon as he inched closer to Rose, who instead made eye contact with Robb.

   "Really? Well I have to say I'm surprised Robb, I thought you were fourteen." She feigned confusion, breaking as Robb responded in a monotone voice.

    "Hilarious." A smile gracing Robb's features as everyone present heartily laughed at Rose's jest. The teasing ensued until both Theon and Robb were positively enthralled with the women in front of them, her humor and beauty captivating the two of them.

This would explain why Robb and Theon became disappointed when Arya launched a spoonful of food at Sansa, her actions receiving laughter from those attending the feast, and his mother looked at him to fix the problem.

  "Come on," Spoke Robb with a sigh as he lifted Arya out of her seat and set her feet to the floor, "I'll return shortly."

   While giggling to herself, Rose and a girl calmed Sansa while Theon drunkenly stumbled out of the feast with a woman on his arm. After a minute of hearing Sansa's complaints, Rose escaped the table in favor of greeting Cersei and Lady Catelyn. Unfortunately for Rose, Cersei was not pleased at Rose's late arrival to the feast.

     "Where have you been?" A serious expression crossing Cersei's face as she stared at her baby sister, her eyes harsh

    "I fell asleep." Rose responded hesitantly, feeling her face growing red as Cersei's eyebrows raised while Catelyn merely smiled at Rose with a motherly gaze.

    "It's perfectly fine Rose." Interjected Lady Catelyn, while Cersei appeared as if she wanted to say something but chose to hold her tongue.

   "Well it is getting late and I would prefer to not be here at all, no offense Lady Stark, So I shall be heading to bed." Rose stated, nodding her head at the two women before proceeding towards the exit to escape the trauma of human interaction.

Her attempts however were foiled by Robb, who had noticed her departure and risen from his chair to grab a hold of Rose's pale arm, stopping her in place merely feet away from freedom.

   "Where are you going?" Asked Robb in confusion as he stared into Rose's chocolate orbs with his own Tully blue eyes, a sad expression on his face at the sight of the southern belle leaving.

   "I'm heading to bed, it has been quite the day and I am simply exhausted." Rose responded, tugging her arm gently until Robb's eyes widened in understanding.

   "Oh." Robb released her arm as a look of disappointment and sadness flashed across his face, his puppy dog eyes pleading with her to stay for a little while longer.

Unfortunately for Robb, Rose's obliviousness and introverted ways caused for her to walk away from the feast until she was once again in the labyrinth of halls.

       After another hour of searching for her room, Rose stumbled into her chambers before collapsing into the warm furs that littered her bed. When her face met with the soft furs, Rose immediately began to sleep.

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