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        Rose seemed to have fallen into a rhythm since her arrival at the Wall. She would wake, eat, train for hours on end until she could hardly walk, then she would join the men atop the Wall to keep watch. Her days were consistent, full of Jon's comforting eyes and proud smiles followed by the longing and sad eyes that seemed to be the only ones Robb had. And his eyes were only for her.

      Her mid-day nap was interrupted when Gilly, the sweet yet stupid wildling girl that had become her friend, informed her of Jon Snow's meeting.

       Rose sat beside Jon at the high table. The empty seat that would house Maester Aemon was empty, leaving the two just barely out of reach of one another. Occasionally Rose would glance up to meet Jon's eyes as he tapped his fingers on the table anxiously while the men talk among themselves. The awkward silence, that only Rose seemed to find amusing, was broken by Jon calling for Sam.

       "Sam," Sam looked up, his eyes following Jon's own which rested on the empty chair of the Maester. "Maester Aemon?"

       "He apologizes for not being here. He's not feeling well." Sam informed them. This only seemed to turn Jon into a nervous child as he started twiddling his thumbs and sparing quick looks at Rose. He eventually, breathed in deeply and spoke in his Lord Commander voice that radiated maturity and control.

     "Take good care of him." Jon turned to address his men and give duties."Brothers. As you all know too well, it's long past time to dig a new latrine pit. First Builder Yarwyck and I have decided to appoint a latrine captain to oversee this crucial task. Brian. Seems like a good job for a ginger." Jon's jokes earned laughter from the Black Brothers, some men even patted the laughing Brian on his back in congratulations.

       "Ser Allister. You have more experience than any other soldier at Castle Black. You proved your valor many times over, while defending the Wall from the wildling attack. I name you First Ranger." Jon continued, earning shouts of approval from some men. Allister looked up in shock, his shoulder being patted by Janos while Edd and Sam share looks at Rose and one another.

      "Lord Janos. I'm giving you command of Greyguard."

       "Greyguard is a ruin." Janos scoffed, obviously disgruntled at this boy giving him control of the ruin.

       "Yes, the fort is in a sorry state. Restore it as best you can. First Builder Yarwyck can spare ten of his-" Jon explained, but his deep drawl was interrupted by Janos's complaints.

        "I was charged with the defense of King's Landing when you were soiling your swaddling clothes. Keep your ruin." Men start talking loudly, even sweet little Olly shifts out of discomfort. Rose merely raises an eyebrow and glances at Jon who seems peeved.

       Oh no

       "Alright, alright! Enough of that." Sam interjected, his voice cutting through the noise. Jon began to speak once it was quiet.

       "You mistake me, my Lord. That was a command, not an offer. Pack your arms and armor, say your farewells, and ride for Greyguard." Jon leans over, his happy eyes now cold and desolate as they glare down at the man who defied him. Jon's voice held a harsh bite, showing that this was the last chance he would get.

       "I will not go meekly off to freeze and die! Give it to one of the fools who cast a stone for you. I will not have it. Do you hear me, boy? I will not have it!" Janos stood sharply and angrily shouted at the commander, the quiet that resonated the room was deafening as everyone held their breath in anticipation.

      "Are you refusing to obey my order?" The men in the room all turn to look at Janos, Rose's eyes begged him to be a fool. To prove that he was the disrespectful and arrogant idiot that he has always been.

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