A Lannister and A Stark

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Rose stood at the end of the Sept's staircase, breathing heavily as Sansa made her way through the doors in her heavy wedding gown. Everyone marveled at the northern beauty, Rose smiling at her friend in comfort, until King Joffery approached Sansa. Rose could hear the two talking before deciding to climb the stairs and grab Sansa's arms, sending Joffery a warning smile.

"My King, I have already said that I shall give Lady Sansa away. I was friendly with her father, before he made himself known as a traitor to the crown. I thank you for your courtesies, my King, but if you do not mind resuming your place." Rose told him with a smile, her eyes flashing dangerously as she ordered him away, making Joffery huff and run to stand by his mother's side. Joffery glanced back at his aunt in distaste as she linked arms with Sansa, before turning his head to the front with a sadistic smirk.

"Thank you, M'lady." Sansa whispered, the sadness on her face ever present as she tightened her hold on Rose. Rose's simple pale green dress contrasted Sansa's dark gold gown beautifully as they made their way down the stairs arm in arm.

"If you need anything, I will always be here." Rose told her gently before the silence of the Sept engulfed them, the air heavy as if they were attending a funeral. The pair passed everyone, Margaery nodding to them as they slowly moved beside the High Septon and Tyrion.

Joffery smiled as the two passed him, quickly walking ahead of them to grab Tyrion's stool and return it back to his seat while sending a smirk to the girls. Rose glared menacingly at the King and sent Tyrion a comforting smile before moving down the steps alone, leaving the Sansa and Tyrion at the High Septon's mercy, standing beside her father unhappily as she watched the shame on Tyrion's face. Tyrion looked at his bride in shock at Joffery's actions, only to see the resigned face of the defeated she-wolf.

"You may now cloak the bride and bring her under your protection." The Septon told Tyrion, prompting Sansa to turn expectantly as she awaited the cloak of Lannister that was in Tyrion's arms. Tyrion brought the cloak as high as he could only to lower it solemnly, embarrassed that he wasn't tall enough to reach his bride's shoulders, much to the amusement of those in attendance.

Whenever he and Rose spent time together in his chambers, he told her his dreams about the wedding he wished for. Tyrion had put the cloak on her many times, but Sansa was much taller than Rose, and the despair and shame on his face caused Rose's heart to crack at the sight of her beloved brother.

Joffery and the people snickered at Tyrion's shame, making Tywin turn around with a concealed look of anger marring his face. Though his face was nothing compared to the feral, lion-like, rage that Rose showed when she turned to those who laughed, her eyes glinting with a dangerous fury that made those laughing cower.

"Could-could you?" Tyrion asked Sansa, holding his cloak out in a silent question. Sansa silently lowered herself to Tyrion's height, so he could gingerly place the cloak on her shoulders.

"Thank you." Tyrion muttered meekly,

"Your Grace, your Grace. My Lords, my Ladies. We stand here in the sight of gods and men, to witness the union of man and wife. One flesh, one heart and one soul. Now and forever."

Amidst the clapping and the Septon's words, Rose muttered softly.

"Gods I hope there 'll be wine."


Rose drained another goblet of wine, not removing the sweet Dornish red from her lips until all was gone before pouring herself another glass, until her father's hand stopped her movements. The look of disappointment on Tywin's face made Rose feel ashamed, but she brushed it off as she placed her cup down. The father she always disobeyed stared at his precious daughter in dismay, he was stern towards all his children equally, but he inevitably cracked under his daughter's smile and praise.

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