The Red Wedding

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    Rose knew that if she didn't arrive at the Twins soon, the King in the North may be dead for trusting a man who he previously agreed to a marriage, only to withdraw on the premises of love. Rose knew of the Freys, they would never be so forgiving.

Rose spurred her horse faster when she noticed the tents surrounding the castle, she finally slowed to a stop to observe the camp, her horse panting at her haste. Rose smiled to herself and rode towards the castle, happy that she got there before anything could happen to the Starks and their men.

Men stared at her as she entered the grounds and steered her horse to the stables, laughing slightly when the stable she entered was filled with a barking direwolf. Rose giggled and dismounted from her frightened horse, her laughs growing louder when Greywind jumped and licked her face in glee, the familiar face a welcomed sight. Rose bent over to give Greywind a warm hug before opening the wooden door and leaving, smiling at the happy direwolf that followed her as she walked through the castle.

When Rose reached the door she tensed, the doors to the Great Hall were closed and guarded by Walder Frey's men who eyed her blades closely. Rose gave the Frey men a smile before asking them for admittance, watching the way they sized her and her weaponry up.

"Pardon me, my Lords. I wish to enter the hall to see the happy couple. Hopefully before the feast is over, as I am famished." Rose joked, the men distractedly stepped aside for her, blushing red as she passed.

"Your knives, my lady. Lord Frey wishes for there to be no blades present on such a happy day." A guard told her, stumbling over his words as she frowned.

"I'm sure he won't mind too much. I'm quite attached, you see."

Rose pushed open the large doors and was met with surprised faces, smiling as the direwolf accompanying her ran to the King, the door closing behind her. Robb smiled warmly at the woman he loved, petting the direwolf while Cat stood to hug the Lannister dressed in red.

"Rose it is wonderful to see you." Cat gushed, grabbing her hand to lead Rose in front of Lord Walder. Rose spared a glance to the doors that had closed behind her, feeling the hair on her arm straighten as she turned her attention to the old Lord who was glaring at her knives.

"Forgive me, My Lady. My house was not expecting your arrival, it is however most welcomed." Lord Frey said, rising from his chair to intimidate the woman, his eyes fixed on the sword and twin daggers attached to the hip of the filthy blood red gown.

"No, My Lord, forgive me. My attendance was not expected, and I feared I would not arrive in time for the wedding. I thank the gods that at least I made the feast." Rose said politely.

"It is an honor to have you here at all, My Lady. There is nothing to forgive." Lord Frey assured her, at his words she smiled and bowed lightly before turning around to grab Cat's hand and approach Robb. Rose smiled at Robb and bowed, smiling at him as he reached for her to place a gentle kiss on her hand.

"Good evening, my King." A teasing smirk on Rose's face.

"Good evening, my Lady." Robb's lips left her hand only to pull her into his warm embrace, his soft lips brushing her ear as he overwhelmed her short figure with his large one. "I am pleased you are here, my Love."

"I told you not to come." Rose grumbled into his firm chest as she pulled her face out of his warmth, "Doesn't this seem suspicious to you?" Robb laughed at her words, neither of them noticing 'The Rains of Castamere' start playing softly in the background.

"Don't worry, love, I will protect you. Now and always." Greywind happily barking at their feet while Rose pulled away, furrowing her brows in confusion as she began recognizing the chilling song that filled the hall. Lord Frey raised his hand and silenced the men and women inside of the hall, glaring at the love-struck King and the beautiful maiden, the tune fading to a mere whisper.

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