The Trial

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Rose was trapped. Upon her return she had been locked into her room, only permitted to leave with the company of her family. Her sore body welcomed what her mind did not. The utter despair and helplessness consumed Rose as her body ached from the fresh bruises that turned her scarred pale skin a dark green or brutal purple, the familiar feeling of being punched in the gut when she stood remained with her in her homely prison.

Rose grunted as a sharp knock began waking her up, rubbing her calloused hand on her bumpy cheek before slamming her head into her soft pillow once more. The dull waves of pain that flowed through her body compelling her to close her eyes and drift into nothingness.

"Rosie?" Another firm knock on the door made her turn over under the mountain of blankets, "Would you care for a stroll?"

The door creaked open as Rose burrowed herself further into the mess of warmth, her eyes shutting as she heard soft footsteps approach her bed. Her bed sunk as the man, whom she knew to be Jaime, sat by her feet. Pulling the edge of the blanket off her head, earning a groan of discomfort as the soft glow of light peered through her thin red curtains.

The pale-yellow walls contrasted the dark wooden dresser, desk, and matching canopy bed that featured bright red blankets that Rose was nestled in. Her clean floors rivaled the catastrophe of her desk. The surface was littered in crumpled pieces of parchment and spilled ink, with a mountain of books to add to the mess.

Rose glanced up at Jaime's face, her brown eyes watching his disappointed green eyes as he loomed over her. Shaking his head before grabbing her arm and tenderly sitting her up, despite her uncooperativeness, rubbing the crust from her eyes as he ruffled her hair.

"I'm getting you out of this room. You'll go mad if you stay in here, god knows it too dangerous leaving you in here with only your thoughts for company." Jaime commented as he rose from the plush blankets, striding to her dresser to pull out a brilliant blue dress with golden lace sewn onto the waist that cascaded down the dress to the ground.

"Do I have to?" Rose smacked her head as she felt the knots in her long brown hair before the dress smacked her in the head. Rose pulled the soft fabric away from her face with a scowl, feeling the silk run through her fingers like water to pool on the bed around her.

"Get dressed. I'll come back in here in five minutes, so you better be done soon."

Rose sulked as the door closed behind Jaime with a clang, standing from her snug blankets to close the curtains before pulling off her night gown. Allowing the material to pool at her feet as she tugged the dress over her head, the slippery material settling onto her skin as Rose sat back down on her bed and ran a brush through her matted locks. Yawning softly as she heard a knock on her door, the rough bristles from the brush unravel the heap of hair.

"I'm coming in."

The old oak door swung open and her brother came striding out, his polished gold armor reflecting onto the walls as he grinned at her. Rose could feel the last few knots and quickly combed through them, leaving her long hair to naturally flow in waves.

Quickly tying a few strands out of her face before standing from her position on the bed. Jaime extended his hand out for her to take, allowing her to loop her arm through his as they exited her room, the stationed guards outside of her door following their lead as they casually strolled down the hall.

"How has father been while I've been locked away?"

Jaime looked at her, noticing her hushed words as they entered the open courtyard.

"Irritable and ill-tempered, to say the least. Seems that he expected Tyrion's folly, but your obvious disagreement and potential involvement would further disrupt his time. He's been focused on running the Kingdom while Cersei drinks wine, and he's obviously bitter that you aren't there with him."

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